Fresco spun on Medley, furious, when she pulled up in front of the safe house and stopped the car.
"What the hell are you doing?" He would go alone. Fine. He was halfway out of the car when she called after him.
"Those kids need you."
She knew exactly the right thing to say. It drove a spike of fear and guilt between his shoulders. So much so, he saw clearly what he needed to do in spite of his fear of going it alone.
"They do," he said. "Thanks for the reminder." He sighed deeply. "I have to protect them. This means things have to change. I can't have someone I don't trust knowing this much about us."
She didn't speak, just clutched at the steering wheel.
Fresco went on. "Maybe it's not fair of me. Maybe I'm being an idiot. But you betrayed us, Medley. You lied. And in my world, that means you don't get a say in what I do anymore. In what any of us do. So, for now, we go our own way."