Fresco felt Joey's relief as soon as he walked through the door. He didn't even need his gifts to do it. The boy threw his arms around his hero and held on for a long time. The rest of the kids crowded around, hands touching Fresco where they could, wanting to be with him, too.
"It's okay," he said. "How's Medley?"
"Fine," she said. She hobbled forward, a beat up cane in one hand, Chris under her other arm for support. "Did you do as I asked?"
"They won't be bothering us anymore." Fresco let it hang between them.
She processed for a moment and nodded sharply, once.
"And our talk earlier?" He knew what she referred to. The lie to him about G.E.M. and her involvement.
"Forgotten." And unimportant. As much as she didn't want him to trust her, she was all he had. And from the look in her eyes, she accepted it.
"Well then," she said. "I guess it's time I moved in."