Fresco found them beating up a pair of Wasted kids.
He was not in a merciful mood. Nor did he care how much of his power he expended. The sight of the five junkies with their tattoos and sunken eyes and evil grins pushed him over the edge until he snapped.
They screamed when he broke their legs. One tried to crawl away, whimpering when he took her sight. She sat in the dark with her hands in front of her blind eyes and wept in silence, great heaving breaths the only sound from her gaping mouth.
The Wasted kids came to Fresco's side. He saw himself in their eyes, from the images in their minds. His eyes glowed blue, skin sparkling like he was from the Diamond City. He never let his power such free rein before and he understood why they suddenly worshiped him.
He shared an image of the safe house. They both hugged him and ran off.