Fresco woke up to his brand new life. Everything was clear at last, like the curtain of fear and anger was lifted from him. Within his mind hummed the song of the City, a steady and loving presence he knew now meant so much more than he first thought.
It was proof his father loved him.
Fresco bounded out of the hospital bed and went to the bathroom mirror, certain he would see the change in himself physically. He was just a little disappointed his old familiar face looked back at him.
The door lock clicked and someone came in. He felt it was Parker without even reaching and when she closed the door behind her he rushed to her and enveloped her in a giant hug.
I love you. He poured his whole heart into it. Parker laughed and hugged him back.
I love you, too. Fresco felt it, to the core of himself, how much she did, and it lit him up like a star.
"We use our voices to communicate around here," she said. "Dr. Meritas prefers it."