Chapter 64: Not Fresco's Parker

Fresco felt the man's hand settle on his shoulder as Strom smiled at him so kindly he smiled back.

"It's great to see you," Strom said. "You look wonderful, Fresco."

Parker's eyes begged him to understand. Strom held her hand. That secret part of him roared in rage while he resigned himself to the truth and nodded once.

"Thank you," he said.

Strom's hand squeezed once and let go. "Parker's been giving you the tour?" His arm slid around her shoulders and she settled in next to him like they were made for each other. Fresco admitted they looked fantastic together and she seemed very happy. He did his best to be happy for her

I'll kill him

and for the smiling Strom as well.

"Your family is waiting to meet you," Strom said. "Shall we?"

Fresco felt a bubble of nerves rise up, but he was excited, too. He followed the couple down the short hall and into a large living space full of blue-eyed men and women.