Chapter 71: Freedom

He came back to himself in a rush of adrenaline, all controls shattered from around his mind. He didn't have time to think, only act. Fresco lifted the boy in one smooth motion and ran.

The others were so shocked by his sudden reversal it took them a moment to react. Fresco crashed between Parker and Gina and pounded his way down the street, swerving through a nearby yard and over a low hedge before he heard Strom shout his name. By then he was flying, his power fueling his steps. All that time with good food and strength training put him back in peak condition, not to mention the enhancements the non-addictive version of Wasteland offered. He felt like he could run forever with it feeding him.

Someone attacked him from behind. A blast of telekinetic power hit him, and he recognized the feeling of Gina. It didn't hurt him, but it did make him stumble and almost fall. He needed a plan and fast.