Chapter 72: The New Therapy

The hospital bed. This time the straps were so tight he knew they were there before he opened his eyes. There was light at least. His mind wouldn't focus, far worse than his previous memory of this place. He groaned.

Voices carried to him. Were they in his mind or the spoken word? It was so hard to tell, but the message was the same.

too dangerous

too powerful

can't control him

a mistake from the beginning

need to shut down the program

gone too far

terminate the subject

Fresco sank inside himself and waited for the end. They were right. There was no way Meritas would let him live now, son or no son. The memory made his whole body ache. And Medley... he wondered if she knew she was his mother.

But Meritas's voice brought a reprieve of sorts and a fresh crop of fear.