His mind fell quiet. The stillness was restful and he allowed it to be. All was as expected. The Master told him so.
"You are perfect," the Master said as his eyes opened and he focused on the world around him. "Flawless. My soldier."
He did not acknowledge the Master. There was no need. Their minds were linked and he understood the Master's pleasure even if he could not feel it himself.
"Your name is One," the Master said. "Repeat it."
"One." His voice worked, but the tone was dusty and deep.
"Excellent." The Master left him standing there, to smile at the others in the room, dressed in their white lab coats and frightened expressions. He knew why they feared him, the same reason the Master was pleased.
He was perfect.
Others came to observe him. One recognized their faces, but had no desire to communicate. The Master didn't will or order it, so he remained silent.