He came back to himself, back to Daniel, the acceptance of what he'd done almost a relief.
Daniel didn't judge. "There are people I want you to meet." His hand gripped Fresco's shoulder. "Plans we have to make."
He found himself shaking his head even as his heart hardened.
"I can't," Fresco said. "I'm done, Daniel. No more fighting. Whatever plans you have, they're yours. I'm out."
His brother didn't contradict him.
"You're a filthy, disgusting mess," Daniel said cheerfully. "And you stink."
Fresco shrugged, feeling a grin tug at his lips, but resisted it. "I've smelled worse."
"So have I," Daniel said. "Doesn't mean it's right." Daniel suddenly gripped him in a hug and Fresco's arms tightened around his brother in answer. "Time you joined the real world again."
Fresco wasn't so sure, but knew better. Daniel always got what he wanted in the end.
Daniel turned and led Fresco further down the hall. Now that he was aware again, Fresco found himself looking around.