Fresco hugged her. He couldn't help himself. And, to his relief, she hugged him back.
"I thought you were dead." He pulled free and met her eyes, now glistening with tears she blinked away with some heat.
"Takes more than you've got to put me down, boy." Her tone was harsh, but her smile made him giddy. "Have enough strength in me to keep you from choking me like a chicken."
"We got to her in time," Daniel said. "Just. It was a near thing."
Fresco remembered. The faint pulse of her heartbeat as he left her.
Medley snorted and crossed her arms over her chest. "Been trying to baby me ever since," she said. "Told him to back off more than once."
Fresco grinned. "Bet it didn't work, did it?"
She rolled her eyes and aimed a scowl at Daniel. "He listens about as well as you do."