Chapter 85: All On The Same Side

Fresco put Apple safely to bed and went looking for his brother. He would keep the promise he made to the little girl who thought he was a hero, as uncomfortable as that made him. He knew he was a fraud, but he didn't have the courage to break her heart any further.

His attempt at connecting with Daniel's mind came up blank. Fresco found himself wandering down to the sub basement again, thinking his brother was inside the twin's protective net. He only found Andrew standing guard.

"Haven't seen him. Try the caf."

Again, no luck. He was stared at and whispered about by the small knot of kids there, though. That was fun. Fresco cut out quickly when none of them made an effort to talk to him. As much as he compared Daniel's little refuge to Last Stand, it certainly wasn't. And he finally pinpointed what was missing.

Trust. That lack made Fresco very nervous.