Chapter 93: Spreading Poison

Fresco didn't know what to say. Or even why she was accusing him. He didn't get a chance to fight for himself.

Daniel grabbed her and spun her around, so much anger on his face she flinched back from him like he struck her.

"I'm done with this, Gen," he said, his voice quiet, but so intense it carried. "No more, you hear me? That kid was a plant. The Garbagemen set us up. It's no more Fresco's fault than yours."

She didn't say a word. Not like he gave her much of a chance.

"Every word you say against him undermines all of us. You're spreading poison, Gen, and it's affecting the whole group. You need to get over whatever the hell your problem is and take a step back."

Her shoulders shook as he let her go.