Chapter 94: The Twins

"We can't let you go in there." Both boys were far too grim for their age, but Fresco at least understood why. Their distrustful stares, on the other hand, just brought his anger back.

"You two think you can keep me out?" Fresco hadn't meant it as a threat, but by the time the words were done and his brain caught up with his mouth he wanted to facepalm.

Way to make them think you're a psycho. He didn't need Justin's voice to tell him he was an idiot. He took care of that himself. If they didn't think you were a threat before, they sure do now.

"We're just following orders," the skinny one of the pair said. The other was slightly overweight, something amazing to Fresco. He'd never met a Wasted kid with any extra pounds.

"Yeah, orders." The chubby one shoved his glasses back on his face and tried to look dangerous. Tough to do when his hands were shaking.

Fresco would have laughed any other time. "Is that an order for everyone, or just me?"