They went to a small computer repair shop Garris knew of two streets over. It took them longer than necessary to find the place when the still drunk and unsteady man kept getting turned around. By the time they walked through the door to the soft chime of a bell, Fresco wondered if having Garris on his side was a good thing or not.
A small man with a shiny head and a large belly started to smile. His smile faded when he took them both in. Fresco immediately smiled back, putting on the memory of the popular guy he used to be.
"Hi," he said. "I'm hoping you can help us. My uncle," he shifted his grip on Garris to keep the man steady, "said you were the one to see."
The man's smile hesitantly came back. "What do you need, kid?"
Fresco led Garris to the counter and propped him up against it before sliding the disk out of his jacket.
The man laughed. "Wow, haven't seen one of those in a while." His brown eyes met Fresco's. "Where'd you get it?"