The few bulbs still lit flickered weakly in the darkness on the other side of the doors.
"Damn," Genvieve said. "Should have brought a flashlight."
Fresco found the disappointment hard. "I guess we'll have to come back."
"Give me a second." He heard Strom shuffling around in the dark before something clanged, like metal being forced. After a moment of stillness while Fresco fretted over leaving and decided to stay while the others went for flashlights, something behind him clicked. Row after row of fluorescents came to life, illuminating a corridor of closed doors.
Fresco glanced back over his shoulder. Strom slammed shut the cover of a gray box. "Figured it was worth a try."
The other three came to stand next to Fresco. No one spoke for a long time. As one, they started walking.