They found a quiet diner and huddled around hot drinks, keeping their sorrow to themselves. Genvieve occasionally wiped at random tears tracking down her face with the cuff of her hoodie, but otherwise no one moved or spoke, even to drink their coffee.
Fresco finally sat back and gave himself a shake. "Worst case scenario?"
Daniel's head bobbed. "Whiteout hits the streets."
"We are captured and turned," Strom said.
"We die." Genvieve snuffled and shrugged. "That's my worst case. Sorry."
Fresco laughed softly and winked at her. "Fair enough." He was surprised when she forced a smile back and even took a drink from her mug.
"Best case scenario." Their energy shifted, he could feel it. Time to drag themselves back into the game.
"We modify Whiteout to our own use and take Meritas down." Daniel tried his coffee as well, then made a face. "This stuff is crap."
Strom toyed with a packet of sugar. "Break into the lab, free everyone and arrest Meritas."