Dave was stunned with her answer.
"Yes, that was my reaction that made mute for a few seconds. Mijail told him that he thought about what happened and concluded that Aetos wouldn't have done what he did in a sober state..." Megan explained everything that was said in that day to Dave.
Dave was shocked with every word he listened at.
"This..." Dave was without words.
"Yes" Megan finished her food.
Both of them bade farewell and left to their houses.
Dave knew he should tell everything that Megan told him. He was happy to help his close friend.
He quickly arrived at their home and found Josh talking to someone in the phone. He was smiling.
"I'll call you later" Josh noticed Dave's arrival and hung the phone. He saw that Dave was excited "Did your date went perfect?" Josh asked him walf joking.
"Not only that, but better" Dave related everything Megan told him.
Josh was surprised a bit.
"Now it makes sense" Josh told himself, but Dave could hear him anyway.
"What makes sense?" Dave asked him.
"Well..." Josh didn't know what to say, he was caught red-handed, "I'm talking with Aetos since the day he attacked Mijail"
Dave opened his eyes like plates.
"Wait! You mean that you knew that about two months ago they made the peaces?" Dave was astonished.
Josh could explain to Kenneth the situation two months ago and maybe his emotions wouldn't have gotten colder.
"If you were in my shoes, what would you have done? Don't your new girlfriend knew too about that?" Josh counterattacked.
"I..." Dave was saying when suddenly Kenneth arrived.
"What are you two talking about?" He said unexpressive.
Josh and Dave kept silent for a long time.
Kenneth saw them and went to his room.
The next day, Dave tried to tell Kenneth what happened two months ago but he was unable to find the right moment. They went like that for two weeks more.
Kenneth watched Mijail talking happily with his friends. He wanted to approach him but every time he saw Aetos laughed with Mijail, he wanted to kill someone.
The festival of the school was getting closer and Mijail and his group were discussing the topic for their activity.
"What do you think to make a tea shop?"
"I think that a haunted house is better"
"A haunted house in Christmas?"
"If we act a Christmas' Carol?"
They went like that for an hour.
"Ok, we have to options. The winner will depend if the topic is already chosen or not."
Everyone looked at the board and the following was written on it:
- A beauty contest
- A coffee shop being attended by elves.
The group leader went to their teacher's office of the department.
"I'll hope is the coffee shop, I want sell some of my desserts" a blond haired girl said enthusiastically.
"I still think that the beauty contest will attract more people than a 'Café'" a black haired boy retorted.
"Well, I am just in the Coffee's said because I'll like to see some people in Elvish clothes" another black haired boy said while smiling.
Some boys and girls thought about that argument and were convinced with it. The only problem is that they would need to wait for the teachers answer and hope that their ideas were not already chosen by another department.
Ten minutes passed and the group leader returned with a bright smile.
"The teacher told me that a beauty contest was chosen already by the Art department, however, the elvish coffee shop isn't" the thematic was chosen.
"Now we need to choose what are we going to sell, to wear, and also the decorations. Next we have to give the rolls that each one of us will have during the Christmas event" Aetos said, he was the second of the group leader.
"I can help with the design of the costumes" a girl immediately offered.
"In that case you can give them to Fred and I to make the clothes with the help of our mother" a thin and tall boy said. His mother was one of the most famous designer in their country.
Mijail looked how one by one made an offer to help with something. He was surprised that ten people of their group were rich.
"Now that the logistic is already taken care of, is time to distribute the rolls. We have chefs, cleaners, waiters and waitresses, and the ones that will be in charge of the publicity" the group leader said, "We are 30 students, so the numbers will be like these: five chefs, five cleaners, ten waiters and waitresses, and five for the advertising. The last five will divide in to two groups, one of three who are in charge to replenish the ingredients and the other two to be the cashiers"
The chefs were of course people that knew how to cook, the rest was sorted.
"Mijail, I am a cashier. What does your paper say?" Aetos asked intrigued.
Mijail read his paper and his mouth twitch.
"I am a waiter" he sighed.
The clothes were already decided and, for some strange reason, out of ten people just two were men including him. Even the designed was a bit feminine. His friend, the other waiter, had the same expression as him.
"Oh" Aetos felt sorry for him.
After some talked, Aetos understood that he will never win his friend's heart so he kept their relationship with him as friends.
"Now that the rolls were distributed, we finish. Please be sure to finish all the clothes one week before the event, and everyone please be cooperative" the group leader looked at the two pitiful waiters.
The designers were very productive and they finished all the costumes in five days. When Mijail saw his uniform he felt a bot comforted to see that they change it a bit. Fred told him they changed it a bit for the sake for him and the other waiter. Mijail was grateful, but the last result continued to make him feel awkward.
"They are just three days, nothing more" Mijail took his waiter's uniform and took it to his house to keep it clean.