I settle onto a car bench seat, torn out of the vehicle it was made for and dumped on the hard ground. It's comfortable still, no springs emerging, the upholstery actually intact. My body isn't tired, I realize, just my heart. So when Poppy appears, the sling around her neck once again, two wiggling puppies poking their heads out, I slide down and make room for her to join me.
I help her feed Shine and Shade, so happy to see them, smiling as their little tongues sweep over my fingers after each morsel offered, cleaning up every last scrap. Poppy hands the rest of the can to the dog who licks it out with relish before settling at our feet. The puppies wriggle down inside the jacket and are asleep in moments, Shine upside down so Poppy can rub his round little belly.
It's enough for me to heal, bring me back, at least enough I don't feel that soul-deep weariness anymore. I hug her around her shoulders, the puppies between us, resting my cheek on her hair.