Chapter 24: Storehouse

I'm suddenly wide awake, my hand reaching out to grab Beckett as he bends over me.

"It's time." He backs off, pulling free and I let him go. I gently shake Poppy's shoulder to wake her, but it takes some doing. She looks up at me, bleary eyed, scrubbing at her face with her little hands.

The others are stirring, even the puppies. Poppy feeds them the last can of food from the bag while Nico glares. I don't care even a little for my empty stomach. There will be more to eat soon. I block Nico's view of Poppy and the babies with my own body, staring down the angry girl. She turns away at last, and I know in my heart her cowardice will hurt us if we're not careful.

There is a short argument when Beckett tries to leave Poppy and Dauphine.

"You need me," Dauphine snaps at him. "I can make it quite nicely, thank you."

"Me too." Poppy coughs softly, clinging to my hand, the puppies wriggling in the sling around her neck.