Chapter 25: My Fault

Genki grins as he approaches, but I notice he doesn't come too close to me. Cowardice is going around, it seems. Dauphine scowls, but it's not like any of us have an excuse or argument. We've been caught stealing, fair and square.

"I've been expecting you to try something like this." Genki sounds so smug I want to scare him, just a little, enough to erase the confidence from his voice, but I hold still and wait. "Dauphine, did you really think I'd let you lead them to my cache without doing something about it?"

She shrugs, arms crossing over her chest. Her trembling is long gone, temper returned. "You didn't leave me much choice, did you?"

He snarls at her, an animal sound, lunging forward. Beckett is in front of her before I can reach her, blocking Genki. The red haired hoarder spots me close and backs off.