Chapter 26: Double Cross

It's suddenly clear why Genki was so generous, why he didn't insist on my death. He's not running things anymore, though I doubt he understands it completely just yet. Cade isn't the type to share power. If I wasn't so angry, I'd almost feel sorry for Genki.


Dauphine is shaking again, but this time with rage. I watch Brick grab her, pull her against his chest. I want to lash out at him for daring to touch her, but she doesn't need my help. Her right foot comes down hard on his instep even as her elbow flies, taking him hard in the ribs. Brick shakes her, but Beckett is already pulling her free, backing away before Brick can punish her.

Cade ignores it all, eyes locked on me. "Did you really think you could escape me?"

I fight to remain casual, rolling my shoulders in a shrug, tone bored. "Worth a try."

It makes him laugh. I'm not sure it's a good thing. His madness hides in his laughter.