Chapter 40: Payment

I mount the engine in awe. This looks like some kind of museum piece, a slice of history brought to life. The interior is dark and smells of oil and something else I can't identify. A boy turns, red hair and freckles clear in the low light, light hazel eyes shining with excitement.

"S-s-socrates!" He grabs the other's hand and shakes it firmly. "G-g-good to s-s-see you."

"Ande." Socrates grins. "Nice train."

Ande practically bounces up and down on his toes. "Isn't s-s-she beau-t-t-tiful?" He seems unaware or doesn't care about his stutter. I find myself liking him immediately.

"Ande," Chime grasps his shoulder. "Socrates is here for a reason." She glances at him. "Want to tell him?"

Ande spins back to his friend. "You found some?"

Socrates grins. "I did. And it's yours." He gestures, a grand motion, as if he's doing it out of pure benevolence. I hide a laugh behind a cough, not wanting to ruin Socrates's show.