Chapter 41: Trustworthy

We are on our way back to the city when Beckett gestures to me. We're surrounded by Chime's people and while they don't seem aggressive I have no doubt they will turn on us or abandon us if circumstances change in any way.

"You're sure we can trust these people?" Beckett keeps his voice down, Socrates between us, Poppy and Vander just behind.

Socrates doesn't look up. "I trust Ande," he says. "I've known him a long time. And Chime is trustworthy, as long as you don't double cross her."

I worry his trust doesn't count for much, considering how many times we've been betrayed. Until I realize I have friends, real friends. Not everyone is out to get me. It's a comfort.

"Listen," Socrates says, "I've spent years researching this city, finding things I can use, trade, things that can make life easier. I found the coal reserve in old records."