Chapter 44: Leaving Los Angeles

It's not quite dusk when we stumble over the tracks on our way to the train, but we don't have much of a choice in the matter. We're almost killed by Chime's people before they realize who we are and let us pass.

Socrates staggers the last few feet, meeting Chime as she descends from the steam locomotive. Five cars have been attached to the back of it, one of them overflowing with coal.

"We need to go now." He's panting, clearly desperate. This will not go well.

Chime tenses up, backing away from him. "What's happening?" She looks around as an alarm sounds, distant, but with some meaning for her. "What have you done?"

There's no time to answer, not with several Crawler vehicles coming toward us. Chime turns and shouts for Ande. "Get this train moving!"

She spins, strikes Socrates across the face. "You'll get us all killed, you idiot!"