Chapter 45: Through The Darkness

I find myself sitting at the side of the open car, legs swinging into empty air as the train chugs its way through the darkness.

Chime's anger was spent hours ago in a temper tantrum where she threw things and threatened us with death. "I've lost half my crew," she raged. "They were still out gathering supplies. You understand that? Supplies? We have fuel," she snorted. "But nothing to eat or drink, you idiots." She had paced herself into further frenzy. "You've brought ruin to us all," she finally choked out. "Ruin." Unable to speak further, she'd stormed off, presumably to decide what else to do with her anger.

Ande appeared shortly thereafter to confirm what she said, but in gentler voice.

"It's true," he told us after we filled him in on why we were in such a hurry. "Though there is a station just before we leave territory, so we can load up there." He patted Socrates's shoulder on the way back to the locomotive. "I'm sorry about your people."