The forest is so familiar Reid is almost comfortable perched on the limb of the tree he's chosen. Who would have thought
six days ago he was safe and sound, living with his sister Lucy in her new and expensive apartment, no longer in foster
care? It amazes him when he reflects on it and wonders if he'll ever be comfortable indoors again.
He glances at the back of his hand where a small bug trundles with purpose across his skin to get to the other side.
Birds sing softly in the midday heat, while the leaves above rustle from a passing wind. Reid feels a connection to the
tree, like the sap flowing within it is his own blood. The song of the robin in the spruce next door is almost
translatable into words. The fresh air swells his lungs, fills him with calm and purpose.
He's a far cry from the drugged and kidnapped kid dumped in the darkened woods with no idea what was happening to him.