Now that he's not running from fear but with a goal in mind, Reid finds it easier to focus on what he's doing. And how to
go about doing it. He's pleased with their success, not just with killing the hunter. Getting away is just as important.
His father's favorite saying, "He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day," rambles on and on in Reid's head
as he and Marcus race through the forest. Surviving and more fighting is exactly the idea.
After about a half hour of strategic evasion, planned in advance, the calls of the other hunters fade in the distance.
Reid can't help but grin to himself and say a soft thanks to his dad.
Reid lets them rest then, in a well-sheltered gully thick with underbrush just below the trail, also chosen before the
trap was set. He can't help but think staying organized will be their most powerful tool against the hunters. Aside from