Reid stops at the tent flap, hearing the call of the hunter, so close it should be triggering his fear response. Instead
it wakes the darkness inside him, sends fire pouring through his blood, and a great joy surging in his heart. He has no
idea what that call means, but he knows how it makes him feel.
And that can't be good for anyone except the hunters.
Reid spins around, the soldiers so shocked by the sound themselves they don't move. Reid meets the colonel's eyes.
"How do you plan to control them, exactly?" The call has faded but the heat of it lives on inside him. "All that power,
all that perfection. How?"
He sees Dr. Lund get up, frowning a little, eyes fixed on the floor near where Reid had been sitting while Brackett's
brow dips over his forehead.
"We are in complete control," the colonel says.
Reid glances at the doctor again, then down at what holds her so captivated. And tenses, kicking himself for his lack of