Reid runs right into chaos. Soldiers are everywhere, some screaming, others more orderly, while the coughing echo of
rifle fire and gunshots fill the air. From what he can tell by sound and the low, thin cloud of smoke in the still night
the battle is happening somewhere off to his left.
Reid goes right, following three fleeing soldiers down a narrow way between two tents, slowing as he reaches the end to
look out.
The center of the compound is empty except for a large cage full of panicked kids. His kids. Reid's heart leaps at the
sight of them, clutching the bars of the enclosure, packed tight and terrified.
He focuses, calling up his hyper senses, finding it harder this time. He needs more of the dust if he wants to have
access to all of it. His fingers stray to his empty pocket, wishing he had dove for the pile of dust he left on the floor
of the tent. But Reid can't think about that now. Instead he feels around him, using his exquisite sight to scan for