Chapter 95: Joel

Before he can reach her, another body impacts his and carries him across the room, slamming him into the wall with so

much force he feels his ribs bend. Hot breath washes over his face and into his ear, stinking of blood and decay, a wet

snout pressed to his cheek as Joel hums a growl that vibrates every bone in Reid's body.

"Well done, pet." Dr. Reid says. "Bring him over here."

As Joel eases up, Reid drops to a crouch, driving his fist into Joel's knee. But he's so fast Reid just catches the edge

of the joint. Still, it pulls a howl of anger from the altered hunter.

Reid twists sideways as the sharp claws descend, diving for the opening between Joel's legs. He slides across the

herringbone steel floor, his shoulders impacting the door as he reaches the other side. Joel is on him in a rush, mouth

open wide, shark teeth even deadlier than his previous incarnation.