Chapter 96: The New Stuff

Reid is still alive. He never expected to be.

Trouble is, so is Dr. Lund. She is wheezing, but he realizes it's hardly from her death throes. She's just trying to

laugh, difficult to do with him pressed to her narrow chest.

"Nice try," she whispers around the thin breath of air she is able to draw. Her amber eyes sparkle. "But the new dose

won't allow an overload, darling. That was one of the flaws in the formula, one I was forced to add by Brackett. And why

some of the older subjects died. They simply hit their saturation point."

Reid hears gasping behind him, sees the two hunters crouched close go down in a froth of white foam. There is the sound

of metal hitting concrete. He glances over his shoulder, sees the four soldiers collapsing to the floor, clutching at

their throats while the two hunters are human again and very, very dead.

"Oh, them," Dr. Lund says. "Yes, I'm afraid they haven't had the new stuff yet. And, come to think of it, your little