Chapter 34

Eric laughed at the dragon's dry tone as he talked about using the internet to auction of genuine Celtic artifacts. "I'll bet you made out well. They sell reproductions for a small fortune at Renaissance fairs."

Lori nodded her understanding. "That's what you meant by "a small token" for the stonemason, too wasn't it."

"A small ruby," Drake shrugged. "I believe it allowed him to retire at a very young age." Eric wondered what a dragon considered small. "I eventually purchased my own computer, as well and returned the one I had borrowed from the laboratory."

"What about food?" Lori wondered, the herpetologist in her showing. "What do you eat?"

"Nosy professors," Drake returned. Eric stiffened as if preparing to defend them both, but Lori laughed with delight, relaxing him.

"No, really."