Chapter 35

Ben smiled at her admission that she was going to pursue a more physical relationship with Eric. Ben was such a good friend, and so easy to talk to. Lori wondered again why she couldn't have felt an attraction for her devastatingly handsome neighbor.

"So you've made your decision?" he asked.

Lori nodded. "I'm still determined not to get into anything too serious," she declared doggedly. "Not until after my tenure review. After all, it would hardly be fair to start something if I end up having to leave in December."

Ben nodded sagely. "Sounds reasonable. What does Eric think?"

"We haven't really discussed it yet." Lori hedged. "He had a previous engagement this weekend. Some paintball tournament."

"Ah," Ben sighed. "I know the one. A few guys I know asked me to join them, but my knee isn't fond of running around in damp places. These days I usually leave the war games to the amateurs."

"I didn't know you were ever into that," Lori noted, looking at her friend in a new light.