Chapter 45

After they'd all walked Wesley back to her car, Eric allowed Lori and Ben to drop him off on their way home. He'd completely ceased being jealous of the other man. Oh, it was clear that Ben cared about Lori, but after five minutes of watching Ben watch Wesley, Eric had known that Montoya was no threat to him. In fact, he felt a strong sense of kinship. Both of them wanted women who didn't want to deal with them at this point in their lives.

Rounding the corner of Eric's street, they saw a group of flashing red and blue lights. As Lori's little car pulled closer, Eric was shocked to realize that the police cars were all in front of his house. Searchlights illuminated Eric's lawn and uniformed officers were striding in and out of his opened front door.

"Wait in the car, Lori," Ben told her, climbing out alongside Eric. "We'll see what's going on."