Chapter 12: Witches

To say I was anxious about meeting other witches would be a fine understatement. What would they think of me? Would they treat me as Thad did on our first encounter, or with repulsion as with George? Of course I no longer looked like an abandoned ragamuffin, and yet, I had no way of knowing how these witches would react to someone like me.

My first encounter outside of Thad and George was a robust woman with cherry red cheeks and a mouse-like voice who greeted us as we descended the stairs with a squeal of joy.

"He's emerged at last, your fine new friend." Power rippled from the woman, coven leader I guessed from the touch of her multi-faceted magic. "Wonderful to host you in our home, Lord Sassafras."

How... remarkable. "My pleasure," I murmured as George rolled her eyes and tapped the older woman's shoulder with her fan.

"Really, Mother," she said before turning to me. "May I introduce Lady Rimallia Brindle, leader of the Brindle coven."

I bowed my head to her. "Thank you for having me in your home." Manners? These witches were rubbing off on me already.

"We are delighted," Rimallia said. "I look forward to the chance to talk." She sighed, a dramatic sound while one hand pressed to her overly large bosom. "I fear these two young darlings are taking you away from me already."

"Indeed," Thad said with her perpetual smile, leaning close to kiss both cheeks of our hostess. The purple scent of Thad mingled with something sweeter and not to bad effect. "Our handsome new friend is in high demand."

Were they teasing me? I found myself falling into a bit of a grump as we swept out the door and entered the waiting hansom while Rimallia waved and called after us to travel safely. Thad must have noticed my change in mood, because she lifted me and held me so our noses were almost touching.

"This will be fun," she said, "or I will take you home myself."

"If you say so," I said.

The trip was a short one while I shivered in Thad's lap and did my best to keep from compulsive grooming to calm my nerves. Her arms held me close as we approached what looked like some kind of private establishment, the wash of magic sweeping over me as she passed through the door so powerful it left me breathless.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Thad said, as George grinned beside her, the small group of young witches seated at tables sipping tea staring as though waiting for a show to start, "may we present our new friend, Sassafras the demon Persian."

Their welcome was a cheer so loud my ears lay back of their own accord, but I had to admit I was heartened by their immediate acceptance. Though Thad did her best to protect me, I was almost instantly plucked from her arms and snuggled by this witch and that witch, mostly girls, though the young men took their turns examining me until I could take it no longer.

With a hiss and a swipe of one paw, I leaped from the arms of a foul-smelling girl with terrible acne and landed in the center of her table.

"If you don't mind," I said at my most chilling, "your man-handling of my person is most rude."

George giggled while the crowd gasped at this new, strange skill of mine and I rolled my eyes at Thad. She came to me, cheeks flushed, slightly angry, pulling free of two young men who held her back. But instead of lifting me into her arms, she turned on the others with a terrible frown, her magic crackling around her.

"Lord Sassafras," she said, "was kind enough to join us today. I dare say he will never again after such terrible treatment." She turned to me, held out her arms. "We'll be leaving now."

"Come, Thad," one of the boys who'd held her back said. "We were only curious."

"Stay, we beg you." A tall, slim witch who had as yet to maul me swept forward and gripped Thad's hands. "They are idiots."

"We are," the girl with the terrible skin nodded, offering her fingertips to me. "Please, forgive us. You're quite irresistible."

Thad hovered, waiting. Leaving it up to me.

"I am a little hungry," I said. "Since we're here, perhaps a snack before we depart?"

Things went much more smoothly after that. Much. To the point I found myself the life of the party, as it were, the gathered witches hovering on my every word, giggling and chuckling as I dove deep into my extravagant history and shared my sharpened wit.

"Demon food," one girl asked. "Better or worse?"

"Far better," I said as I licked the last of the cream from my lips. "Your cuisine, as you call it, hardly registers."

"Demon females," a young man chuckled to his fellows. "Delicious?"

"I'm sure they would find you so," I said. "With some spices after a long, slow roasting."

Thad grinned behind her gloves at me, eyes sparkling. When it came time to depart, the others protested, but I was happy to find myself in her arms again.

We left the group who called after us to return, with protestations of our eternal welcome while George lingered, but Thaddea hurried us to the street and the hansom waiting there. The moment we were inside, she burst into laughter and snuggled me against her face before setting me in her lap.

"You were brilliant," she said. "I thought for certain they ruined everything." Fingers dug into my mane and I groaned softly, purr rising as she hummed a soft tune. Not even the rocking of the carriage at George's arrival could break the spell...

Spell. I jerked my head from Thaddea's hand, glaring up at her. "You used magic on me."

Her fingers went to her lips, eyes sad. "I'm sorry," she said. "It's an old trick Mother taught me, to soothe my sister and brother when they were babies. The song's the thing, you see."

"I do," I said. "Unnecessary. And unwelcome." I didn't want to be angry, but she'd manipulated me, as clearly as anyone else in my life, but with kindness instead of politics.

It hurt to know she was just like them.

The next few days were full of parties and get-togethers, both with Thaddea and Georgina's friends and with the Brindle coven as Rimallia insisted on showing me off. I settled into a routine of entertainment, knowing this was really the ideal situation, helping me locate a new host family. I would need a new witch to care for me when Thad finally grew tired.

Which she would. She was quieter already, more withdrawn. I could feel her leaving me even though she was right there beside me most of the time.

And though it hurt my heart and the newfound warmth I'd developed for her, I had to harden myself against her. My survival was at stake.


-Ahbi swung the cleaver through the air, light glinting from the edge of the silver blade as a gap in the black opened between her legs. She roared at me, curved horns glistening black as she leaned forward, the butcher knife suddenly massive, swooping toward me as I ran for the light and safety beyond-


Arms lifted me, cradled me, soothed me in the dark as I mewed softly and twitched awake.

"All's well, Sass," Thad whispered, carrying me from the back corner of her wardrobe I'd moved to, setting me on her pillow before climbing back into bed. "I'm here, don't forget it. You're not alone anymore."

"But I am." I snuffled, burrowing close to her, one of her arms around me, my nose pressed to her neck while she started to hum then stopped.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "Habit."

"It's all right," I whispered back. "I could use some comfort."

She sighed softly before beginning her song again, and now I knew what to expect, I understood the subtle yet kindly power behind her humming. Just the barest trace of magic wound around me, stroking my fur as surely as if her hands did it, calming me, settling my pounding heart.

"Thank you," I said. "I'm sorry I was angry before."

"You had the right to be," she said. "Friends don't use magic on each other without permission."

Friends. "Are we?" I lifted my head, met her eyes. "Friends, I mean?"

"You still doubt me?" Tears welled in her eyes. "Sass, you're the dearest friend I've ever had."

How could that be when I hardly let her in? But I had, I knew it now, the warmth inside me mirrored in her eyes.

I settled my head on her shoulder again and began to purr, matching the hum of her song with the rhythm of my own music.

"Sass," she whispered when we both fell silent. "I'm leaving soon, did you know?"

Leaving? Panic gripped me a moment before I managed to calm myself enough to answer.

"I didn't," I said.

"Back to America," she said. "And my family."

"I see." I pulled away from her, but she wouldn't let me retreat. "When?"

"Tomorrow," she said. Burst into tears. And no matter what I did or how I tried to soothe her, she continued to weep until she fell asleep.

I crept from her, out her door and down the hall to a spare room, using my magic to open the door, crawling under the bed there, stirring dust in the unused space. Only when I was well hidden did I cry myself, knowing she was leaving me after all and not wanting to let her go.

But I had to. And I had a plan already. Rimallia adored me yet, would continue to offer me a place, I was certain. When she tired of me, there were many households of witches I could choose from. Things would be well, no more did I need to worry about being left alone in the streets to suffer and die as my people intended.

Small comfort.

Thad was leaving me.
