Chapter 13: Left Behind

I heard her calling my name the next morning, but refused to answer, still tucked into my hiding place. I simply couldn't bring myself to say goodbye. A clean break would be better, easier. She finally stopped, thankfully. I wasn't sure how much more I'd be able to resist.

But when I heard the front door open, the conversation coming from downstairs, trunks being moved and crying mixed with farewells, I could no longer hold back. I had to see her, at the very least, to burn the memory of her beautiful face into my mind so I would have something to hold onto.

She had her back to me when I reached the top of the stairs, they all did, hugging and saying their sad farewells. No one noticed as I slunk down the steps to scurry under a chair and watch from the shadows of it as Thad, my dear, dear Thad, finally turned and embraced George.

"Take good care of him, won't you?" She let George go and rushed past her to the open door as my heart tore in half.

No, I couldn't let her go this way. Not without telling her... what? It didn't matter. My body moved before I could decide otherwise, a silver streak past the Brindles and out the front door, racing down the walk with my heart still in pieces, panting as I hurried to catch her even as Thad disappeared inside the hansom that would take her away from me forever.

"Thad!" I leaped, threw myself at the closing door as the carriage man stared at me with his mouth gaping open, his hand falling from the latch to let the door swing wide again. A boost of magic pushed me the distance I needed, landing me in Thaddea's lap.

She sobbed in her hands, an activity that halted the instant I arrived. With a choked, "Sassafras!" she gathered me to her so tightly I could barely breathe, though I didn't mind a bit.

"Don't leave me," I whispered, hating to beg, unable to do anything but. If she rejected me, I wouldn't survive it, no other would do.

"Silly cat," she said, kissing my ear, "don't you know I never wanted to?" She sat back with a sigh and a happy wave to the Brindles who waved back. I raised a paw to them just as the hansom driver closed the door. "You're coming to America, then, Lord Sassafras?"

"I'm going wherever you take me," I said, standing to press my paw against her damp cheek as the damage to my heart healed in an instant.

Thaddea hugged me to her, whispered to me of the amazing things she would show me when we arrived at her home, but I wasn't listening, not really. The warmth I'd felt when we met had grown too big to contain it in a small space, flooding me with happiness.

With love. It was real after all. I was certain of it. Amazing, really.
