Chapter 14: America

The crossing to America was quiet compared to my time in London, and I remembered little of it, thanks to Thaddea. She had that effect on me, the ability to make me forget everything going on around me save for her. Only her.

My love grew those four weeks, swelling inside me until I could hardly stand it, adoring everything about my darling Thad. The way she laughed, wrinkled her nose, hummed me to sleep. Her scent I now knew to be the fragrance of the lilac, as sweet as her total openness when we talked. She told me everything, her hopes and dreams, how she privately wished to be a coven leader herself one day.

"How embarrassing," she whispered to me one night as she confessed her secret desire. "I adore the Tremere family, and you will too. Our leader, Olive, will love you instantly."

"There is nothing wrong with wanting more," I said, knowing she would make an excellent leader. Not that I was biased one way or another.

"I know," she said. "And though it will never happen, I'm prepared if it does."

Thaddea's favorite motto. She was prepared for everything, insisted on it. Organized and punctual, I didn't stand a chance catching a nap here and there, not with the trip planned out exactly as she envisioned. And I hardly minded. More time with Thaddea was time well spent.

The first instance Thaddea told me how she felt about me, I thought I'd die from sheer joy.

"You know I love you," she whispered in the dark as we snuggled in her bed, stroking my fur with a sleepy hand.

"I do," I said. "And I love you too, Thad. With all my heart." Wouldn't my family be surprised? Avenesequoia pleased with my progress? They didn't matter. In fact, I told myself, even if Ahbi herself came to offer me my old rank, I'd turn her down.

Though, I would willingly take my body back. It rankled, though I knew nothing could come of my love for Thad. I was a cat, she was a witch girl and as much as I wished otherwise, there was nothing I could do about it.

What we had would have to be enough.

The day of our arrival in New York dawned fresh and clear, the sun warm in a very blue sky. I found myself melancholy anyway, and when Thad scooped me up and held me, I could tell she was too.

"Time to meet the family," she said.

"I liked having you to myself." Grumpy, indeed.

Thad laughed and kissed me. "Nothing will ever change that, Sass."

She was right. I was being silly. Thaddea and me, forever.

Sydlynn Hayle, Thad's mother, was clearly her physical influence, the same auburn hair and blue eyes passed down to her daughter. And from the cheery grin on her face, Thad was right about the welcome I was about to receive.

"It's an honor to meet you," I said, bowing my head to Sydlynn as Thaddea set me on my feet to face her mother. The second of the Tremere coven crouched and reached out her hand to me. I placed one paw on her fingertips as she smiled up at her daughter.

"Leave it to you to bring home a demon cat." Sydlynn winked at me. "You are most welcome with us, Sassafras. Thaddea's brief contact," her snort told me what she thought of her daughter's lack of communication, "has my curiosity piqued."

A tall man with thinning blonde hair and an easy grin despite his massive size, waggled thick fingers at me as Sydlynn straightened. "Archibald Leeds," he said with good nature, "but Archie will do, Sassafras." His power and Sydlynn's engulfed me, hugged me, added me instantly to the family.

Go away, tears. I had no time for weeping.

A ride in a very fast carriage, piloted by the boisterous and joyful Archie who handled the pair of horses hurtling down the road with expert ease, and we were driving up a long, dusty lane to a massive house, sprawling over a large acreage. The New World as Thaddea called it felt completely different from London, though the city of New York felt similar thanks to its crowded stone buildings and gaslight. But everything about the place, including the massive, airy house I was carried into, felt wide open, brand new, with none of the stuffiness of the aged city we'd left behind.

"Welcome home, Sass," Thad whispered as she sat me down on the smooth marble floor of the entry to the family mansion.


The coven gathered in twos and threes, house flooding with people, a party beginning spontaneously over the return of their beloved Thad. Coven leader Olive Tremere showed last, though in great spirits, hugging Thaddea to her and offering a kind welcome to me.

"The Tremere coven is blessed to have you," Olive said, dark brown eyes full of good humor. She looked up and winked at Sydlynn who hugged Thaddea for the hundredth time since her return. "A demon cat. Imagine."

Sydlynn let Thad go long enough to kiss Olive on the cheek. "Our family is nothing if not unorthodox," she said.

"And we like it that way," the pair said together while Thaddea laughed and scooped me into her arms.

"Not hard to tell they are best friends," she said.

"I know the feeling," I said.

Thaddea kissed me. "It's lovely, isn't it?"

It certainly was.

Thad's sister Lillian, a slim, pale child, but with a sweet smile, hugged her sister and stroked my fur while I purred to her. Philip, their skinny brother who resembled a pole, stuck his tongue out at me until Thad cuffed his ear. Sydlynn guided everyone into the vast back yard and the large tables set aside for just such gatherings. I had a feeling any excuse would bring this family together. How marvelous their caring for each other, more genuine than the Brindles, full of authentic mutual adoration.

As Thad carried me into the back yard and settled me at the table beside her, I sighed in contentment. Perfect. Everything was perfect.

Love was wonderful, after all.
