Chapter 20: An Evening At The Theater

The main lobby of the theater was grand, all crimson velvet and gold leaf. My dress couldn't have been further from the décor, standing out like a shining pale leaf, not that I'd known or planned it. Yet again I was surrounded by a milling crowd of the over-dressed and noble, though this time my nerves were nowhere in sight. I was too on edge for that.

A young man in a red velvet jacket greeted us before we made it very far.

"Lord Brindle awaits you," he said, bowing to Georgina. Kate had to be physically escorted by a hand on her arm to keep her moving. Her father smiled with indulgence as she tripped on the third step, her focus on absorbing the entire theater at once.

I admit it was lovely and elegant, majestic even. But it was just a building.

We were led up the wide staircase on the right. Traffic on our side was light while the other stairs on the opposite wall were full of people. I realized then as we continued upward this set was intended for very special guests. Had the circumstances been different, I would have been flattered. I'm not above being treated with respect and as a person of note.

The staircase ended in a crescent hallway, gloomy compared to the glaring brightness of the lobby. We followed it, the wall broken occasionally, affording me a look down into the main theater. We reached a series of curtains along the inner curve and our guide led us to one of them. He held the heavy drape aside, bowing as we passed.

Samuel awaited us on the other side. He rose from an overstuffed but elegant chair, smiling, hands extended.

"Welcome," he said, kissing his sister on both cheeks, repeating the act with Kate. He shook Bernard's hand, then Hugh's. When he came to me, I offered my hand as well rather than allow him as close to me as he had with the other ladies. His smile didn't waver. And instead of a firm shaking as I'd intended, he instead bent over my fingers and kissed them. For the second time I noticed the golden medallion he wore as it slipped free and hung from his neck, catching the light, the sight of it almost beckoning me to touch it.

Instead, I retrieved my hand and wiped it on the skirt of my dress, waiting until he turned to the rest before doing so. I was at least spared that odd zing of magic energy this time. Perhaps whatever it was had run its course.

The box hung over the audience, with a fine view of the stage. I leaned over the edge, watching the rest of the viewers taking their seats, noting the other boxes lining the rounded theater.

I was about to take a seat along the edge when Samuel seized my hand and pulled me down onto a sofa next to him. "I would adore your company," he said.

The rest of the family filled the remaining seats, Georgina and Kate on the other two-seater in front of us, Bernard and Hugh in the single ornate chairs along the sides.

It would appear I had little choice. Perhaps that was a good thing. I now had him as a captive audience.

"How is Jack?" I was disappointed when he simply smiled at me without any negative reaction.

"The authorities are dealing with him, my dear. I'm surprised at you. I would think a lady of your breeding would be more concerned about the loss of my property rather than the fate of one common thief."

"A lady of my breeding," I said, "cares more for people than she does for things."

His smile tightened. "Of course." Samuel had as yet to release my hand and the contact was making me uncomfortable. "We didn't have much time to discuss your family." His pale green gaze held me as tightly as his hand gripped mine. "Your mother is a powerful witch and, I understand, has the support of the coven. Will the succession go smoothly, do you think?"

What was he looking for? He must have known why I was here, that Mum feared for my safety. I didn't like the interest he took in my family affairs.

"Coven matters are private and confidential." I know my tone was cold, but my discomfort helped to shorten my temper further.

Samuel's smile didn't waver. "Of course."

He was fond of that saying, obviously.

Georgina spun around, smiled at me, leaning forward to pat my hand and Samuel's together. I caught Hugh staring at my lap with a sullen, angry look on his face.

"Delightful!" Georgina winked at me. "You're adoring our darling Burdie's company, dear brother?"

He winked at her. "Most definitely."

"Isn't she just perfection?" Georgina reached over and pinched my cheek. My moth hung open, eyes wide.

She didn't just pinch my cheek.

Samuel's soft laugh distracted me from the woman's offense.

"Indeed," he said. "She is exactly that."

I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, not wanting to acknowledge what he said. Was there more going on here than I thought? Was Hugh's advance the least of my worries? But no. There was nothing overtly sexual about the way Samuel held my hand. It did, however, feel like possession. And that was much, much worse.

The lights dimmed, the crowd hushed. I drew a breath, trying to slip my fingers free from his without being overtly rude, but ready to offend him if necessary. As I did, he leaned toward my ear, hand tightening and whispered.

"There is far more to life than what you've been shown." The opening accords of the play, the sound of the orchestra, drowned out his words to all but me. "I am gathering those of power around me and you, my dear... I have great use for someone like you."

I held still, just listening.

"You are powerful beyond what I expected," he went on. "Myself and my associates have a great interest in that power and in you." His free hand stroked back a stray lock of my hair, the contact making me shudder. "If you're willing to discuss it, I know I can offer you a position of great authority in my organization."

I know I should have held my temper. There was so much here to learn, to understand. And I was certain it had to do with Jack and the thread of power I felt from both of them. But the feel of his skin on mine, the way he spoke to me, had an intimacy driving my blood to boil and the heat of my anger to act.

I jerked my hand free from his and turned my head to meet his eyes. Without bothering to whisper, I said, "In case you weren't aware, and I know you are, Lord Brindle, I am already in a position of great authority. I am a Hayle, soon to be heir to the most powerful coven in the New World."

He sat back slightly, smile now more sardonic than inviting. "There is more to power than family, Auburdeen."

"Not to me." I turned back as Kate glanced over her shoulder at me.


I slid myself sideways, all the way to the edge of the sofa and as far from him as I could get. Which wasn't far enough. As the curtain rose, I felt his fingers brush my hand again and gasped at the rush of power that passed between us. I immediately felt dizzy from it, unbalanced, my vision wavering.

I pulled away, the connection broken. But through the entire first half, Samuel continued to meet my skin with his and every time it happened, that same buzz of power occurred. I tried once or twice to rise, to leave, but it was as if my legs wouldn't hold my weight. Every time I did, I felt dizzy.

Desperate to stop whatever he was doing, I reinforced my shields over and over only to have his power slide through them as if they didn't exist.

When the curtain fell for intermission, I couldn't take any more. Dizzy or not, I lurched to my feet and out of the box into the hall. I clutched at the curtains to hold me up, grateful the corridor remained empty.

But not for long. I felt him near me, no longer even needing him to touch me to experience the connection of his power to mine.

"You are far more than they are telling you." He tried to take my hand, but I spun away, stumbling, catching the wall. "Let me help you unfold the true power you hold within you."

I glared at him. "What have you done to me?"

He shrugged, hands open at his sides. "Only awakened the truth."

I shook my head, then wished I hadn't. He reached me as I crumpled, both hands touching my bare arms.

A core of glowing power woke inside me, racing along my skin and into him in a rush of golden light. He gasped but smiled, as if I'd given him a great gift.

"Yes," he breathed, "yes, Auburdeen. You feel it now. It has awakened at last. Such strength, such power! Join me and nothing and no one will stand against us."

The core hummed inside me while my elemental magic shrieked in agony. Head pounding I pulled free of Samuel, the light inside me dimming, but the disorientation remaining.

I turned away from him and left, heading for the staircase. I had to get away, to process this, to find out what was happening to me, and I couldn't think straight while he was in my proximity.

He let me go, surprisingly. But I heard him as I tripped down the first step.

Perfection. I've been waiting for you.

It wasn't until I reached the bottom that I realized he hadn't spoken aloud.
