Chapter 69: Master Of Inorganics

I tried to pull against my brother's grip, wanting to be sure our friends were safe, only to see Damon surrounded by blue fire. I glanced back as his magic formed a shield of protection over the last of our group. He held it only long enough for Stella to bodily push Samuel into the tunnel before letting it go.

Too soon, as it turned out. The tunnel began to deteriorate around us as well, chunks of stone compressing and giving way. I felt a tingle of sorcery and knew this destruction was triggered by power.

Damon cried out, struck by a stone. It was my turn to protect him with my partially metal body as he and Pharo did their best to raise their shields again. But it was Jack who truly saved us all, falling back behind Stella, using his golden body to hold back the shuddering stone.

"Jack!" I stopped, reached for him, mere steps from the exit, knowing if he stayed any longer he would be trapped.

Go. For the first time I heard his voice in my head. Burdie, go now.