Chapter 19: Complicated

I spin and bound for the stairs, the patch my wolf placed over my heart shattering into a million shards now jabbing me ruthlessly with pinpoints of agony. Sage is suddenly in my senses, the love surging back so abruptly I stumble one step before catching myself. I'm unable to pull air into my lungs, fear and heartache and other emotions I can't control driving me forward while my wolf chuffs and fights me for calm. My speed leaves Maks and Isabelle behind, scenting him, the final bit of proof I need to the reality of this disaster, about a heartbeat before I slide to a halt at his door.

His heartbeat comes from behind the dark wood, his scent stronger than ever. I taste him in the back of my throat, feel the warmth of his skin under my hands as my wolf's attempts to smother him fail catastrophically and she finally gives in, her own sorrow thick in my chest. It is impossible that Sage is here.

And yet, Sage is here.

I don't knock, slipping the portal open. The shower is running, the sound of water splashing from beyond the narrow door at the other side of the room giving me a brief reprieve. I pull the main door shut behind me, lean against it, rigid and frozen. This is bad, so very bad. I need to send him away before anyone sees him or figures out who he is.

The shower shuts off, the loss of sound breaking my stillness. I hear the rustle of a towel, a glass shower door rattle, a bare foot pad onto carpet. I'm so in tune with him, my senses so focused, I hear the swipe of the fabric on his skin as he wipes himself dry, the soft thud as he drops the wet towel into the stall and closes the glass shower door.

I wait at the end of the bed, so tense I feel I'll fly to pieces the moment he appears, warring with love and need versus anger and terror. I will hug him and kiss him and carry his body down onto the bed. No, I must force him to pack and leave at once.

The bathroom door opens, steam escaping in a soft rush of white, his scent-that beloved scent of his-hitting me like the locomotive of a steam train. I sway as his green eyes lift, shock on his face turning to a big grin I love so very much. He's dressed only in jeans, barefooted, tall body gleaming damply in the light. My hands itch to touch him, and I almost give in as he closes the distance between us, dark hair hanging wet over his forehead.

Someone knocks, snapping me free of his spell. I move rapidly, rushing to the exit, easing it open a fraction to catch Maksym's worried eyes.

"Are you okay?" He tries to see past me, but I push the door further closed, only the barest crack remaining.

"Stay out," I whisper. "Give me a moment."

Maks retreats as I turn back, the door thudding shut under the weight of my shoulders as I press myself against it and stare at Sage. He's stopped moving, a little frown on his handsome face, his jaw jumping like it does when he's confused and upset. But his eyes are as kind as ever, his sea-green gaze making me feel weak when I need to be strong.

"Charlie." He doesn't come toward me, just raises one hand, palm up, fingers open and welcoming me.

"What are you doing here?" The words are hissing, spiteful, though I never intended them to be.

Sage stiffens, hand still offered. "I told you," he said. "I was tired of Wilding Springs. Thought I'd do some traveling."

I shake my head, flabbergasted and angry, while the girl in me who loves him is so glad he's here. "How did you find me?" I didn't tell him, did I? Was I really that stupid I let it slip where I lived?

Sage shrugs, crosses to the bed and his open backpack. He pulls on a t-shirt, the soft fabric sliding over his muscles while my heart begs me to stop him, to leave that perfect body exposed just a little longer. Something to remember.

"You gave me enough information along the way," he says. "I have a friend who's Ukrainian, so I recognized your accent when I heard it. And you mentioned Yutsk once."

Damn it, I did? I'm such a fool.

"Googling you did the rest." Sage slips his hands into his back pockets and watches me with hooded eyes. "I couldn't just let you run away from me, Charlotte. Not when I know you love me as much as I love you."

I shake my head, a desperate gesture. How can he speak of love when he doesn't know who I really am? "You have to go." I rush forward, start stuffing things back into his backpack, the scent of him rising from his clothing as I handle each piece with savage intensity. "It's not safe for you here."

"Charlotte." He comes to stand next to me, still not touching me. His voice is soft, full of calm. "I already know about your ties to the Russian mafia. I'm not afraid."

I look up at him in shock, find him only inches from me, full lips parted, green eyes full of love.

The mafia. He thinks that's the only thing he has to worry about.

"You have no idea what I am." I gasp a breath as he pulls one hand free and runs his fingers through my hair, gently, sliding down the free length of it. I remember then I've grown it long for him, my natural blonde his favorite.

"I don't care," he says.

"You should." I step back from him, needing to sob, to hold him. My old training hardens me enough I'm able to hold off, to escape his proximity. "What I am can get you killed."

"So tell me." He takes a step and I back away another, a dance of desperation. "Whatever it is, I can take it, Charlie."

"We can't. We can't be together." I head for the door, not knowing what to do, but certain the longer he stays here, the more dangerous things will become. If Oleksander finds out about Sage... and the Dumonts. I freeze in my tracks, mouth flooding with saliva as my stomach rebels. What if Andre finds out Sage has been looking for me? And uncovers who he is to me?

I have to get Sage out of here.

The door opens just before I reach it and Maks enters. He's found clothing, a dark trench and jeans, though his chest is bare underneath.

"Your Highness," he says in Ukrainian. "Tell me what you want me to do with him."

Sage's gasp turns me around. He's staring at me like he doesn't know me. Well, he doesn't, does he?

"You're a princess?" So he knows more of my language than he let on. I grind my teeth together, turning back to Maks. "Clear the way," I say. "I have to sneak him out of here before anyone sees him."

"That might not be possible." Maks shudders. I feel his were rising and crush him with my power. Sage cannot see our true face. I will not expose him to this. Maksym bows his head to me before meeting my eyes again, his fear intense.

"Tell me." I feel Sage moving, catch him out of the corner of my eye. He's watching us, listening. I need to be careful what I say.

"The Dumonts are here," Maks says in a low whisper. "And so is Caine."
