Chapter 20: Go Before It's Too Late

My immediate reaction takes even me by surprise. "Against pack rules?" I hiss the words at the last moment, remembering Sage. "Oleksander expressly forbid it."

Maks nods, miserable. "I know," he says. "Should I return to the palace and inform him?"

I could reach out to my grandfather from this distance, but it would alert the Dumonts and Caine I am in the building. Though Caine can track me by scent, so he probably already knows I'm here. I need to confront him, but how do I do that without putting Sage in danger? Do the Dumonts know he's been asking about me?

"Stay here." I glare at Sage who glares back. "Don't let him out of your sight."

"I can't let you do this alone," Maks says as the door eases open and Isabelle slips through. Her eyes widen as she sees Sage, her slim body shimmering slightly, though I hope my normal ex-boyfriend misses it. She leans in, the three of us cutting Sage out as he crosses his arms over his chest and snorts his irritation.

"Fine," I say to Maks. "Isabelle, I need you to get Sage packed and out the back door before anyone sees him."

She glances at Sage and nods. "I'll do what I can," she says. "But there is an easier way." Her hands flutter in front of her.

"No," I whisper, barely audible. "He can't know."

"I could ensure he won't." Her eyes flare with spirit power. "There are ways."

"No biting." Unreasonable protectiveness surges. "Just do it the old fashioned way. I'll keep Caine and the Dumonts busy until you can get him out of town."

"I'm not going anywhere." Sage's voice interrupts. I spin on him with a snarl which he ignores. "That's what you're planning, isn't it? Sneaking me out of the hotel and away before what?" He exchanges looks with all of us. "Before the royal guards show up and kick my ass or something?"

The memory of Caine following me in Wilding Springs hits me like a bolt of lightning. Caine already knows about Sage, or if he doesn't specifically, he will make the connection the moment he sees him. I can't take that risk. Maybe Isabelle's plan is the best one after all.

But no, Sage is innocent and no matter the intentions, the bite of a vampire leaves a mark on the soul. I won't have him tainted by magic if I can help it.

"Just hurry," I say to Isabelle before firmly facing Sage. "I've never asked you to do anything," I say. "But I'm begging you, now. Go. Before it's too late."

He sags after a brief attempt at stubborn bullishness. "Charlotte..."

"Please." He has to understand or he's dead. Maybe my grandfather won't kill him, but Caine will, I have no doubt. And now, thanks to my handling of his clothing, the California wereleader will smell Sage on me. I'm a fool and an idiot and in over my head with Sage. What was I thinking?

The handsome normal finally nods, dropping his arms from their fold across his chest. "I just wanted to see you again," he says.

"I know." I shiver, uncontrolled shaking I finally suppress with magic. "I'm sorry it has to be this way. But it does." Maks backs off as I turn to the door and ease it open. "Go with Isabelle. And Sage." I meet his eyes for the last time, see and feel his sadness, because it's my own. "You can never, ever come back here. And we can never see each other again."

I leave the room with Maks at my back before Sage can argue. At least, I imagine he would have argued, though I clearly saw and felt he'd given up.

I'm so intent on Sage's safety, I almost miss the hurried approach of the two witches who pin me just outside Sage's door. Nataliya and Fedir Makosky are both clearly upset, the coven leader shaking with pent-up anger.

"Your Highness." She bobs a quick curtsy to me. "Forgive me, but I must speak with you."

What now? I can feel movement in the room behind me, know it will only be a matter of moments before Isabelle emerges with Sage.

"Of course," I say, trying to lead the pair further down the hall. But Nataliya is too angry to accept my gentle hand on her arm.

"We have enjoyed a strong relationship with you and your people in the last five years." Nataliya's black-painted fingernails click together as she clasps her hands together. Fedir hovers behind her, looking sick and a little afraid.

"We have," I say. "And we are grateful for that relationship."

"Then why," Nataliya says, voice rising, "do you allow such abhorrent behavior from your pack members?" The shrill tone to her voice carries down the hall and to the stairs. I wince and try to shush her, but she is wound up. "They have no right to treat us with such rudeness and disdain, nor to bring unwarranted battles in supposed fights of honor."

I stare at her in blank incomprehension a moment, too many things in my mind to figure out what she is talking about. Until I catch a whiff of Caine and understand.

"Coven leader Makosky," I say in a growling voice, "I assure you, anyone who has spoken ill to you or your people will suffer the consequences." Maybe this is the means to my end. If Nataliya complains to Oleksander, it might add weight and send Caine packing. "I will take care of the offenders personally if you are willing to take your complaint to my grandfather."

Her attitude shifts immediately, from anxious anger to relief as she released her hands and gripped mine. "I knew it had to be a misunderstanding," she said. "Or a stray act of arrogance. I didn't wish to act against them personally when several of my people were attacked. The werewolf's claims the fights were provoked are clear lies. My people would never do such a thing against yours. But I will not tolerate werewolves tormenting or abusing my coven members again, not after one of the young witches involved lost an eye during a fight. King Oleksander will hear of this immediately if that will put an end to the issue."

"How long has this been going on?" Caine has only been with us a short time.

"Several days," Nataliya says with a huff of irritation. "I was about to speak to his majesty when they disappeared. But they are back and my patience is gone."

Days? What were they doing here in Yutsk for several days when the palace was so close? New anxiety wakes in me as I think of Caine and his pack. There is much more to them than I imagined at first, I'm sure of it now. And I can't help but believe they are a threat to me and my grandfather.

Want to believe. No difference.

"My grandfather and I hold you in the highest regard," I say. "Forgive us for not being aware of this problem."

Nataliya's fingers caress my hand. "It's not your fault, my dear," she says. "And I really didn't want to create trouble." I do like the kind coven leader. She reminds me a little of Syd's mother, Miriam, though much less forceful. "We debated contacting Femke and the Council, but I wanted to bring it to you first." She only then seems to notice what door we stand outside, her eyes widening. "The young man asking about you," she says. "Should I have sent him away?"

I shake my head with a sigh. "But if you could keep his presence here quiet," I say, "I would be most grateful."

Nataliya pats my hand and lets me go. "We both have problems to deal with," she says, a sparkle returning to her eyes. "You care for mine, and I will ensure yours doesn't leave this hotel."

From my horrified expression, she must know I worry she's suggesting something permanent. "I only mean," she says as the door eases open and Isabelle peeks out, "your secret is safe with me."

I trust her and her coven. "Thank you," I say.

Isabelle and Sage exit the doorway, his huge backpack strapped over his shoulders. He won't look at me, head down, and I keep my distance, putting Nataliya between us. I nod to Isabelle who turns for the back of the hall and the exit stairs to the courtyard.

Just as a door further down the hall opens and Jean Marc and Kristophe step through and my worries multiply a hundredfold.
