Chapter 81: Paranormal Rock Star

I'm not surprised when Syd appears only a moment later, Max at her side. Femke laughs and hugs her, her greeting wiping the scowl of determination from my friend's face.

Syd grins sheepishly as Femke releases her. "I thought you'd put up a fight."

The European leader shakes her head, patting Syd's cheek. "I know better. Besides, I had to create at least a show of being impartial." She turns to Gwendolyn and Finlay. "Thank you for your service," she says. "Report later."

The pair bow to her before turning to go, though Gwen pauses long enough for a quick embrace before leaving.

I'm focused on another as they close the door behind them, taking two steps before engulfing Syd in my arms. She hugs me back, lips cool on my cheek. She doesn't let me go for a long moment, mind locking with mine.

One hurdle down, she sends. Just a few more to go. Ready to trot home and rescue your grandfather, crush Caine and his crew, and restore order to the Universe?