Chapter 82: Our People

Sage isn't in our room. I follow the scent of him down the hall and to the partially open door. A peek inside tells me what I already know. The bed is empty, the bathroom dark and quiet. The little page is long gone, as well. I pace around the room for a moment before returning to the hall and pursuing Sage, the deliciousness of him leading me to a stairwell at the end of the corridor.

He went up and I retrace his steps, emerging on the roof. It's dark again, night-time Oxford stretched out before me, the lip of the edge artfully crafted like the parapet of a castle. Sage is easy to spot, leaning against the stone ledge, looking out over the campus. I cross to him, my shoes grinding stone together under foot. He turns as I join him, arm slipping around my waist, snuggling me tight against his hip. I lean my head on his shoulder, feeling my body fully relax for the first time since this all began.