Chapter 44: The Daeva

I felt Ahbi stir but cut her off before her "helpful suggestions" could start in a steady stream of confusing me.

"Thank you," I said with as much humble appreciation as I could muster.

Ahbi's mind snapped against mine. What are you doing? Her anger popped and crackled. You are RULER. Do not give them


Grandmother. I firmly pushed her back. I'm handling this. Now hush.

She stomped her mental foot before turning her back on me.

The lead demon watched with a blank expression, though as I took control, she nodded.

"You are the first of your kind to be admitted here," the demon leader said. "We take a great risk in bringing you among


"I hope you know I would never put your order at risk," I said.

"Not on purpose." She shook her head. "But there are those who hunt you now, Ruler of Demonicon. And they have means to

find you wherever you go."

That's not what we wanted to hear, Sassafras sent.