Chapter 45: Sorcerer Demon

If you've known about him and the Planeless, Ahbi's sharp anger cut through my spinning mind, why did you not act well

before now?

"We've tried," Bakari said. "We've been trying for over a year."

I'd never felt so shaken and vulnerable as I did sitting there, with the understanding even those who thought themselves

all-powerful had failed. Maybe I should have felt better about myself and my own disasters, but I didn't.

Their inability just made things worse. Sure, I was off the hook in a lot of ways. If the Daeva couldn't handle the

Planeless, there was no way I could be expected to. And yet, the way they looked at me, that was exactly their


"So he's like me, then?" I resisted the words even as I spoke them. Xeoniteridone was nothing like me. "Half witch, half


"We believe so," Raethnn said. "At least, that was what he told us."

"Meira, he's a sorcerer," Sassafras said. "It's much more likely one of his parents was from that magical race and not a