The old soldier was my grandfather's creature, I knew that already. But with Henemordonin gone, maybe the demon would
listen to me. I held myself still in the large chair I had Jabuticabron bring into my quarters, mimicking my
grandfather's throne-like presence in his office, hoping to intimidate or, at least, influence Rutorith's opinion enough
to take my armed forces back.
He entered reluctantly, flanked by several guards, while Sequoia glared and Jabut flexed his giant muscles in fury. But
it was Mabel who faced Rutorith down most effectively, silent and staring from her diamond eyes, and I copied her
He must believe you care not for his standing, Ahbi sent. Who knows what your grandfather has told him to this point.
Intimidation will not work with this demon. You must be firm and in command of yourself in order to impress him.
I agreed with her assessment, though the fact I had to impress anyone actually pissed me off.