Chapter 46: Under Attack

The tightly-packed guards surrounded me, their magic forcing the crowd aside, creating a space for me to mount the

platform at the base of the mountain. The court followed me with more fear than eagerness, their desire to remain behind

while I dealt with things so palpable when I stormed into the throne room just a few minutes earlier, I smelled their

fear in the air.

"The court goes as a group," I snapped, power crackling and offering no recourse. "Unless there's a damned stupid law

against it. And you'd better show me proof if there is one."

No one could and I saw just how much that distressed them. Maybe I should have let them remain behind. As we descended in

bunches from the top of the Seat on one of the larger elevator platforms, surrounded by guards, I scanned the sky

overhead in nervous recognition. No wonder the demons of my city were worried. I counted at least three suns gone from