Chapter 76: Missing Ingredient

I sat at the table, facing Raethnn and her people, with Zinnia on one side and Ram on the other. He seemed as fully

recovered as I was, though I worried he might push himself too far, too soon. Sassafras perched in my lap, tail

thrashing, while I filled everyone in on what I learned.

I was just finishing when Theridialis entered, leaning heavily on Bakari. My chair legs scraped the floor as I stood,

Sass leaping to the table top, and rushed forward, my magic supporting the scientist. He sat heavily in a chair, smiling

gently up at me, one hand touching my cheek in thanks.

"Thank you, dear," he said. "I'm fine, really. Just need a bit of rest." His face hardened. "But that can wait."

Shuffling feet, a nervous throat clearing and Portlish arrived, surrounded by Daeva. I was so tired suddenly of their

secrecy and the way they still clung to their old ways, I slammed power into his guards, driving them back and beckoning