Chapter 5

Abraham Churchill and Katharine Chapman was now standing in the middle of her apartment building face to face like roman warriors ready clash and tear the entire building apart, because Katharine had deceived him, having him believing that he was a woman while he was actually a man.

He already had the breast implants, the face restructuring, was now feeding on the hormone pills to make his femininity seems flawless to the public eye.

And now Katharine thought she had found the perfect man who believed that he had found the perfect woman in her, but now, he was totally beside himself and very mad at her for tricking him into believing that he was actually a real born from the womb kind of a woman!

Now Abraham was standing in the center of Katharine Chapman's living room breathing heavily and trying to wipe away from his lips the passionate kisses she had placed on it before shouting out loudly.

"You are no damn woman, no damn female or no woman I can marry in the future! What I'm I suppose to do with you? Between you and damn dating agency better give me back my money, or else I'll take you to both of you to court and expose your asses! You understand me!"

"Tell me, what the hell are you? Is that your real hair, are those your real eyes, and is that your real mouth?"

Abraham went on venting!

While Katharine sat on the edge of the couch in silence with her hands enclosed around her cheeks and her eyes wide, staring at the strange man she had brought home to her apartment.

"You are not going to say anything to me, you damn freak! I want back my money from you, you hear me!"

Abraham continued to vent loudly.

But calling her "A damn freak" was crossing the line with her and now Katharine was on her feet and making her way over towards him with an open palms pouting lips and without hesitation, she slapped him real hard in the face as she reiterated.

"You don't ever, address me as any damn freak ever again! Do I look like any damn freak to you? And who told you, you should come up in my own house and disrespect me? Haven't I been nothing but nice to you all night?"

While Abraham just stood there holding his face and contemplating whether or not he should punch her over or returned the slap! But in his eyes, he was still seeing her as a woman and didn't want to put his hands on her that way, however, his anger lingered and his mouth kept on flying trying to bring some form of comforting relief and peace to his soul.

In all actuality he was feeling a sense of embarrassment and didn't want this situation to come out to anyone else's hearing; especially those persons living in his neighborhood.

Abraham felt overcome by shame and decided that he wanted to leave Katharine's apartment building, but the front doors to her apartment were locked and no sight of her keys were insight.

So gently he asked.

"Will you please open these door, so I can leave out of this place?"

But Katharine just sat there on the edge of the couch with a blank look on her face and cross legs, as if she was advertising her legs for some form of leg products.

Again, Abraham pleaded with her to open to door and let him go! But yet still, she wouldn't budge and inch or for a second to open the doors.

So Abraham calm himself down and continued reasoning with her in rational and soft matter, hoping that she would come to her senses and realize that she wasn't what he wanted and let him go freely from her apartment.

"Katharine my dear, we both have made a serious mistake here and I'm very sorry if I had led you on, or if you somehow believe that I knew that you were a man, a drag-queen or whatever you may call yourself. But honest to god in heaven, I had not even the slightest idea that you were a man dressed up in women clothing! So if you believe that I purposely knew, I'm extremely sorry!"

Abraham expressed apologetically.

While Katharine showed no interest or had any reaction about what he was saying to her.

Seeing that she was totally ignoring him, Abraham walked over to one of the windows and began looking around hoping that probably he could open one of the windows and make his way through one of them and then be on his way. But they were all sealed shut and didn't have any of the latches attached to any of them.

Filled with frustration, Abraham turn his attention again towards Katharine and just as he opened his mouth and was about to speak, he realize it was a totally different person who was sitting on the edge of the couch.

"Mother of god!"

He exclaimed.

"Who the hell are you?"

He asked nervously.

"Where... where did Katharine go?"

He questioned frighteningly while spinning around in the room repeatedly to see if she could be found somewhere there!

The eye contacts were completely gone!

And that which were beautiful brown eyes were now more of a grayish coloration of iris and gazing upon him.

The long light-brown hair was also gone!

What he was now looking at was only jet-black curly hair which was totally shinny and framing the face beautifully with a bang!

And those blazing white teeth that could light up any room and raise the spirit of the sick and wounded from dying, were also gone!

Leaving a mouth filled with coffee stained teeth with a large gap in the front of his mouth that was as wide as his index finger!

The only thing that was still there on his body and was still looking authentic were his voluptuous boobs and he wondered if he was going to remove them from his chest anytime soon!

Standing there dumbfounded, Abraham wondered what he should do next to get himself out of this frightful situation.

He wanted to start screaming for help!

Then he thought about smashing one of the windows with one of the heavy handle metal chairs positioned inside the living room space and then escape from the scene through the broken window!

But, would he make it out of the apartment building without getting into a physical fight?

And what was making matters worse, he wasn't getting any form of dialogue from Katharine; she was just sitting there out of her fake elements and staring upon him like a lunatic!

Getting a grip of himself, Abraham thought about talking to her once again anticipating that this time around she might just say, "Fuck it!" and then walk to the door, open it and then let him leave her premises!

Timidly, he walked over to her and sat on the couch beside her and began reasoning with her, hoping that somehow her heart would be moved by his situation and then she would release him.

Shakenly, resting his hands on top of Katharine's hands, Abraham spoke honestly.

"Katharine, I don't judge you, nor do I have you or want to cause you any harm. But I'm almost just like you and many persons in my own neighborhood believe that I'm a queer, but I'm not! What I am is a single man looking to find love from a woman who wants to be with me and only me! This is a secret I've never told a single soul in my life and now I'm going to be sharing it with you; and I don't want you to laugh at me when I tell you, okay!"

For the past almost two and half hours was the first time that Katharine shifted her eye-balls and looked straight into his eyes to hear the secret he was about to unveil to her and only her.

Now he slowly began removing his body weight, leaning towards Abraham's face to get the juicy gossip, indicating to him with his eyes wide open that his cock ears were all ready to hear the hidden agenda from his lips!

Soon Abraham began rubbing the back of Katharine's hands, and then suddenly he stopped, not wanting to lead her on or give her any inclination that he was still in anyway, interested in her!

"I'm thirty-years-of-age and I'm still a virgin! And I want to find myself a wife now... I'm looking for a wife to settle down and have children with!"

Abraham revealed soulfully.

Katharine now became distant and began looking at him with scorn and, as if something was utterly wrong with him in the head.

"You really expect me to believe, that you are thirty-year-old man and you don't know what it is like to be with a woman or a man?"

Katharine asked sternly.

"Yes, I really am, I swear to god!"

Abraham echoed, lifting his face to the ceiling and also pointing his finger there.

"So, you would like me to break or take your virginity?"

Kathrine asked with questioning eyes.

"No... No...No, not at all!"

Abraham shouted as he clasped both hands between his legs while the expression on his face showed he was actually imagining some form of discomfort.

"So why did you tell me the story of your virginity, if you didn't want to have some form of sexual experience with me?"

Katharine asked bluntly.

Abraham was now lost for words and unsure of the actual reasons why he had brought up that subject matter to her while Katharine continued to gaze at him, as if he was losing his marbles and needed to be in a mental institution.

Closing his eyes for a moment, he regain his thought of training and responded to her question.

"I mentioned it to you because I want you have an understanding of who I am, and what I am is not what you are thinking... I want a woman to be with and make love to for the rest of my life and not someone who looks like me or has the same body parts as I do! So you can come to realize that you need to unlock the doors to your apartment so I can then get out of here and be on my way, because you are not a real woman but a man; and a man whose real name I don't even know!"

Abraham try explaining.

But instead of releasing his prisoner, Katharine suddenly grabbed Abraham's hand, then placed it on top of his crotch as he pleaded.

"Please, give me a chance to be your lover! Any woman you meet after this, doesn't have to know that we exist! We can roll in the hay while she bake cookies and have babies!"

Katharine propositioned.

"And that would simply mean that I'm living a lie to her and also to myself!"

Abraham fired back.

"So you are telling me, you are always this damn self-righteous and full of saintly characteristics?"

Katharine ask forcefully.

"I don't see myself as righteous or saintly, but I know what I want for myself and what I want is to be with one woman who is going to love and cherish what we have together as a couple or husband and wife!"

Abraham blurted back at him.

"Well, Mr. goodie-goodie, if you didn't find her in your teen and in your twenties, what makes you think, you are going to find her now; tell me that? And especially since you haven't got any practice at all in the bedroom; according to you?"

Katharine questioned with searching eyes.

Feeling quite exhausted, Abraham remained silent for a while. The bickering was getting too much for him and now he only wanted to get out of that damn apartment building, make his way home and get on with his own life. While Katharine now feeling rejected had grown even more angered and wanted to be revengeful to the man who had stood his ground and told him that there was no way he was going lay with him or let him have his way with him. And he was willing and ready to fight him to the death if the situation came down to that.

But, Katharine mental sleeves were packed with malicious intent, and Abraham would eventually come to regret not giving into his sexual demands. Shamefully allowing him to freely walk away from her apartment with his sanity intact, however, with his integrity totally cracked.

While Abraham anxiously pace across the living room floors again and again, Katharine locked herself inside her bedroom and dial the emergency number to the police and also one of the mental institution and explain to them that her brother who was suffering from a serious mental ill was off his medication and was acting crazy! Claiming that he was still a virgin and he was looking for a virgin bride to be his wife before the end of the year.

She further went on to explained to the operator, that he was now in her apartment, pacing around on her living room floors, and they could come and get him there because she was very scared of him attacking her, and she was locked up in her bedroom at the moment and afraid of leaving out of her own house.

Then she went on to warn the operator who would be forwarding such information to the police and medics professionals.

"He can be very dangerous so the medics and the police need to be very careful after she opens the front door and let them in!"

"Ms. Chapman, we'll be sending officers and the paramedics to your address right away! Just keep us posted if he has gotten worst!" The operator informed her.

Putting back on her Katharine Chapman attire, Kathrine waited for the officers and the medic to arrive at her door, and when they did, all hell broke loose!

At the first pounding at the door, Katharine began babbling loudly for those on the opposite side of the door to hear that there was an actual mayhem inside the living room of her apartment. And began dancing the black skillet she took from the kitchen in front of his face before opening the door.

In the meantime, Abraham seeing her behaving in this strange... in this psychotic manner, kept on screaming on the peak of his voice box repeatedly.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

Soon she jammed in the keys in the hole, turned it and fly the door open and then began shouting.

"There he is over there... take him, take him; take him fast before he hurts me!"

Bursting through her front door like a point nine hurricane, both the police and the medic team threw themselves on Abraham and knocked him to the surface of the floor!

Soon they were forcing his hands behind his back and latching the hand-cuffs to his wrist as demand that he keep still!

Barely able to utter a word, Abraham asked.

"How can I possible move an inch when so many of you are on top of me?"

"Shut up and keep still, I said!"

Another officer repeated.

The paramedics were now looking for a spot on his arm to jab him with the needle to have him sedated, but since he had on long sleeve shirt they were unable to inject him in the arm. So one of the medics reach for his scissors and began cutting into Abraham's favorite leather jacket and also the best dressing shirt, he had in his closet.

"Please, don't cut into my clothing!"

Abraham screamed pleadingly.

But it was too late, and before he knew it, one of the medic workers, pinched his muscles and jab the needle inside the side of his arm, and minutes later, he was unaware of himself while they tied him to a gurney and transported him to the psychiatric facility.

Waking up in the mental ward two days later with a host of derange mental patients staring at him, others touching him like he was some form of special nutcase while they continued to let out some kinds of hollowing and frightening sounds.

Still very drowsy from the psychotic drug given to him by the medic workers, Abraham kept on asking repeatedly.

"What am I doing here?"

"Please let me out of here because I don't belong inside here!"

Recognizing the uniform of one of the nurses, Abraham went up to her and mentioned to her that he was not a mentally ill patient and what he was experiencing was a malicious attack from some woman he had gone a date with who was using their service to blackmail him. But she didn't want to hear much about what she had to say to him. Therefore telling him how lucky he was to have a sister who cared about him and wanted him to get the best treatment possible so he could return to his life on the outside world.

Angrily Abraham shouted at her.

"I said, I don't damn belong inside here and I want to get out of here right now!"

But one of the nurses fired back at him.

"Well your sister thinks you belong in here and this is where you're going to say until she and your doctor determine otherwise!"

"Nurse, you listen to me, and listen to me damn well, I do not have any sisters here or any parts on this planet! So let me out so I can return home and go and take care of my animals?"

Abraham pleaded.

Nevertheless, no one inside there - the coo-coo house was taking him seriously!

Abraham now began thinking about the rental car which he had decided on using for only one night and now it was left in some strange location with the pay-tag going up on it constantly. He also began wondering if Sheriff Warren Richards was still mysteriously attending to the animals, giving them food, or he had stopped from doing so, and left them to perish!

He also was aware that the animal grains from the animal store were slowly dwindling down to the bottom of the barrels and he need to buy fresh ones for the animal to feed on. If he didn't get out of mental facility very soon, what was going to happen to his live stocks and the car he had rented for just one night?

"Now he certainly wouldn't have to sell any of his property to make any woman happy, but now he would have to sell it, to pay off all these accumulating debts which kept on increasing while he is in the nut house severely trying to convince these jackass in here that he is indeed a sane person!"

Abraham contemplated to himself.

But how long would he be staying in the nuthouse before anyone found out that he didn't really belong there?

Three weeks had passed and nurses were pushing pills down his throat and whenever he would passionately speak out about not belonging there, it would be stuck with a needle and be knocked out for days before coming to his normal state again.

But one weekend when one of the in house doctors visited to mental facility and began calling other psychiatric doctors, one after the other, trying to investigate the history of this new patient known as Abraham Churchill and not one of them could locate any information on him, the in house doctor became curious. He now began calling all the pharmacy around town trying to allocate any information that they might have in their system about what type of medication Abraham Churchill was on and when was the last time he had refill his medication prescriptions.

And just like the several doctors whom he had called, none of the pharmacies knew nothing about him or had ever heard of his name before.

"Abraham Churchill; who could possibly forget a name like that?

The psychiatrics doctors concluded amongst themselves. And later, the pharmaceutical staff would conclude the same thing. There has to be some form of a mistake here... no one knows the guy and has never heard of him, after looking through several database system from medical facilities and pharmacy's from around one-hundred miles from where the mental institution was located.

Puzzled by the complexity of this particular patient and his none existence data file, the in house doctor decided on giving him a one-on-one interview in the presences of two of the nurses on staff. Looking healthy and strong, Abraham sat across from the doctor's desk while the two nurses sat to the right of him and then a strong male orderly sat to the left just in case he got out of hand and needed to be restraint.

And after repeatedly asking Abraham his name, his age and where he has been living for the past ten years, just to determine if he was positive about these personal information of himself, the doctors moved on to asking him about other questions about what he did for a living and what had brought him to the medical facility?

Vividly recalling the entire details, Abraham went on to convey the details of the embarrassing story to all who were in the room, not leaving out a single detail.

Hearing Abraham tell his story over and over again, the medical profession concluded that he was very much free from insanity and decided to set him free from out of the madhouse.

"This is quite unfortunate and never should have happen to you or anyone else. Is there anyone we could contact who could come and get you?"

The doctor asked with great sympathy in his voice and just as much sympathy was being displayed all over his face.

But before Abraham could answer the doctor's inquisitive question, there came a dreadful pounding on the doctor's office door. And when he inquired who was there, it was one of the orderlies bidding him to come to the admission center right away, because the police and the nurses were requesting for him to be there immediately.

Grabbing the stethoscope leaning over the back-rest of the chair, the doctor raced from his office while bidding to nurses to come along with him; and so they did. Abraham alone was now sitting in the doctor's office by himself wondering who he could call to come and get him from the mad house. But second guessing his situation, he wondered why he should have to call anyone, put them through this trouble when it was neither his or their fault for him being in this predicament.

"It was the ambulance which had brought him there and they should be the one who should bring him home and bring him back where they had brought him from."

He thought to himself.

Although his only reason for being back at that apartment building was to pick up the rental car and bring it back to the company, that was if, it was still there.

Feeling a nudge to get up and checkout what was going on in the admission center, Abraham stepped out of the doctor's office, made his way down the hall, through the large wooden double and then into the admission center where there were very large glass doors barring any of the mentally ill patients from going any further. However, they could see clearly anything that was going on inside the admission center and also some of the outdoor areas as well. And while standing there watching the commotion of a new patient that was just brought into the facility by the police, Abraham could clearly see Sheriff Richards in the midst of the dilemma. He was trying to assist in the restraint of the new patient whom they had just brought into the facility and who was behaving belligerently - kicking, fisting and spitting everywhere even though he had already been given some form of sedative.

Seeing the Sheriff from his hometown and who knew exactly where he lives, Abraham anxiously began pounding on the thick piece of glass separating him from the Sheriff's presences and the others who were there carrying out their duties.

For several minutes, Abraham banged, knocked and kicked as hard as he could on the glass to get the Sheriff's attention, but to no avail. He was unable to do so until one of the nurses had to rushed back inside... beyond the glass doors, and as soon as she punched in her code at the glass door, the door slide open for her to return inside, Abraham pushed her out of the way and swiftly let himself out of the unit of lunatics and their screams.

Minutes later, he was in the midst of the small crowd of medical professionals, police, fire-fighters and others; trying to get a hold of Sheriff Richards' hands, so he could ask him for a ride back home the Creek Valley. But first, he needed to return to where he had left his rental car over some three months ago.

Pulling at the Sheriff's uniform shirt after several attempts just to get his attention, he finally got him to turn around and look at him, after the mentally challenge man was subdue on the stretcher.

In shock and amazement Sheriff asked; "What in heaven's name are you doing here?" while making his way from the between the midst of the crowd to a quieter location of the facility.

Not even waiting for him to reply, Sheriff Richards kept on talking.

"I've been by your house several times and see no signs of you there, only the truck parked alongside the house! I even kicked off your back, wondering if you had passed out inside there, but saw no sign of you inside, so I had it repaired!"

Sheriff Warren Richards expressed.

"So what are you doing here; you have gotten a job in this facility?"

Sheriff Richards questioned.

"Trust me. It is a very long story! But I need a very big favor from you, as soon as you are done here!"

Abraham requested.

"Okay, let me hear it!"

The Sheriff responded.

"I need a ride home, back to Creek Valley! But first, I need you to stop somewhere else before heading home, so I can pick my rental car, if it's still there! It's around thirty minutes from here; a town called Union over by one of those very large apartment buildings! Will you be able to do that for me?"

Abraham asked hopefully.

"I think I'll be able to do that for you!"

Sheriff Richards responded.

The nurse at the admission desk was now signaling to him to come over to her and sign off on some papers which needed his signature on it, before he left the facility. And so the Sheriff excuse himself from Abraham's company and went to take care of business. But he was back with him shortly, and now they both were heading out of the asylum facility together and to the small township called Union. Hoping to see if his rental car was still at the spot where he had left; although he seriously doubted that it would be there.

Pulling out of the parking lot of the mental facility, Sheriff Richard excitingly asked once again.

"So what brought you all the way here over to the wacky house; did thy offer you a job there?"

Feeling very ashamed to reveal all that had transpired in his life from that Friday evening almost three months ago, Abraham just sat there trying to come up with a logical answer to satisfy the Sheriff's hearing of what had actually brought him there. But this was no time for truth, because Abraham was feeling too embarrass to share his truth at this moment. Therefore he replied.

"No, they hadn't offered me a job there, however, I did fill out the application to possible do some occupational therapy with some of the less challenged patients inside there!"

"That's great to hear! But, if you do get a job out here it's going to be a lot of driving back and forth to work each day, and that could cause a lot on your mind and your body!"

Sheriff Richards suggested.

"Tell me about it! I just might try and find something else closer to home."

Abraham responded.

"If you really need a job in the mad house, just let me know, because I have some really good connections working inside there!"

Sheriff Richards offered.

"Thanks much, man and nice of you wanting to look out for me!"

Abraham replied as he turned his face to car window and began focusing on some site seeing as if he was in a foreign land.

At last, they were in the town of Union and entering the parking lot of the huge apartment building, with eyes attentively searching for the rental car where he thought he had left it; but it was not there!

Desperately he tried remembering the number of Katharine door, but he was unable to recall if it was apartment nine or apartment six. So Abraham did the next best think he knew how to do and that was to visit both apartment numbers he had stuck in his mind.

Pounding on the front door of apartment number six, an elderly woman came to the door to inquire who was knocking on her door in such a harsh manner. And from the sight of her, Abraham knew that she definitely wasn't the one. But after banging on the front door of apartment number nine, and inhabitant opened the door, he knew immediately that he was in the right place.

With his back-up Sheriff Richards behind him, Abraham boldly asked as if he was the cop.

"Where is my damn rental car?"

Seeing that there was a man there in uniform, Katharine spoke hastily with nervousness in her eyes.

"It's back at the rental company!"

However, Abraham wasn't quite sure if she was being honest, so he lashed out a warning to her.

"You better make sure that it's there, because if not, I'm making sure that you get the maximum time you deserve in the pen! You hear me, you snake-mongrel and wicked bitch!"

He was pissed and not even Sheriff Richards knew that he could speck such a language.

Just after exiting the door of the apartment and slamming the door shut behind him, Sheriff Richards began enquiring from Abraham about who the beautiful woman is and why he being so harsh on her.

Immediately, stopping in his tracks while walking in the corridor of the apartment building Abraham belted out.

"That beautiful woman you looking at with a face almost like an angel, is nothing more than a blasted man dressing up as a woman! He is cold and evil as hell... he is the son-of-a-bitch who had me shackled up and pinned down in that dame loony bin for the whole past three months, and having all these damn nurses filling my body with all kinds of drugs!"

"Worst of all, this cross-dresser and transvestites or whatever else you want to call it, had the nerves to tell the medical staff inside the loony-bin that I'm her brother and she was relying on them to give me the best medical treatment possible while I'm in their facility!"

Abraham confessed angrily as he finish making his way down the well-lit corridor and to the waiting police vehicle.

And before the sheriff could make any comment on the shocking news he was hearing, Abraham angrily lashed out again!

"I know those homosexual theatrics is what really excites you, so sorry if I'm offending you!"

Although tickled to hear the factual story of why his friend had been missing in action for so long, the robustly man of the law, pulled up his pants over his huge gut and spoke not another word.