Chapter 10

Exiting the shower moments after his date, Mitchell Farina had left his small farm house, Abraham Churchill went to rest. He was lying on his bed and soon began reflecting on his day's activities they both shared together and the wonderful time they had had together at the Constant Spring Garden Park. Soon he was thinking about giving her a call at home, explaining to her his strange reaction after learning that she only had one leg but felt she hadn't returned home as yet.

Abraham was extremely shock when he had seen the prosthetic leg leaning against his living room furniture and he wanted her to know that was his only reason for his reaction towards her. But he certainly didn't have any beef with her just because of her missing limb.

"Why hadn't she told me from the very beginning, so I could be more prepared when I walked inside that room and seen this fake body part up against my chair; then I wouldn't have this strange and withdrawn action towards her?"

Abraham asked himself.

But it was all water under the bridge now for him because there is no way he can take back his startling reaction towards her!

The sight of her prosthetic leg cause a hundred and one things to race through his mind all at once and one of them were would he still want to marry her knowing that she only had one leg! But he was thinking differently now and began reminiscing about the wonderful time that they had at the park and how she had made his laugh with her wittiness and funny remarks.

And three hours later, he made that dreaded phone call hoping that she would understand his position and express to her that he had no prejudices against her because she only had one leg, and that he thought, she was very beautiful with or without her missing leg.

However, his call wasn't well received as Mitchell began lashing out at him blaming him for being discriminative against her because she now had only one leg.

"I use to be just like you!"

"You don't think this can happen to you; well you better think again, because anyone of us, just like that, can miss a hand, a foot, an eye, or any other body parts; you hear me?"

"I saw how you were looking at me with scorn like I had leprosy or something contagious!"

"Who the hell do you think you are to turn up your nose at me?"

Mitchell continued venting before slamming the phone down in Abraham's ear.

But before Abraham could apologize and explain to her that he wasn't doing anything like that to her... scorning her, but was very startled when he had seem the leg against the couch, since he had never seen anything like that before and was then, only in a state of shock.

With the phone line silent, Abraham returned to his bedroom and made himself ready for bed. And in his moment of rest, his heart ached that he had made her felt that way and hope that one day she would forgive him and put her place in his shoe.

But would she ever?

An entire week had passed and Abraham spent his time in solitude, taking care of his animals and was just fixing small stuff around his house. And in all actually he was glad that no one came around to talk him out of his blue mood; because he probably would have snapped at them and certainly made them felt unwelcome. Since Mitchell was utterly angry with him and surely he didn't meant to cause her any harm.

The thought of her hurting made him sad and he thought of what he could do to make it up to her. Just after seven days had passed, Abraham decided that he would give her a call once more and when he had done so, the results were the same. She was still hurting and didn't want to speak with him, possibly not now, possibly not ever.

With Mitchell giving him the cold shoulders, Abraham turned his attention once again to Shirley Baily the dating agency receptionist, and even though he hadn't called her as yet, he was surely thinking about doing so! And four weeks after his date with Mitchell Farina, he gave Shirley Baily that unexpected call at her office one Monday morning. And as he spoke with her, he could still picture her lovely smile from the very first time he had seen and met her at the office.

"Hi, Sweetheart, how are you doing?"

Abraham asked wooingly.

"Who am I speaking to, please?"

Ms. Baily questioned sternly.

"It's the man who never stops dreaming about you, Sweet-cup!"

Abraham responded flirtatiously.

"Please clarify who you are, or else, I'm going to hang this phone up!"

"It's me, Hun, Abraham Churchill!"

He replied.

"Mr. Churchill, why hadn't you say so from the beginning?"

Ms. Baily asked firmly.

"I just want you to know that I'm thinking about you in that way... in the romantic way! Give me a chance and all I have will be yours! You must can tell that I love you and I believe that you like me too!"

Abraham said pressingly.

"Mr. Churchill, I told you that before! I am not allowed to be with any of you guys who come here at the agency seeking to find a date for whatever reason!"

Ms. Baily expressed.

"Well I told you how I felt about you already from the very first time I have met you, and how I'm feeling about you still remains! And if you don't start going out with me then I'm going to tell your boss I would like to start seeing you, since she is the person who controls your life!"

Abraham spoke convincingly.

Making a big sigh and trying to change the subject, Ms. Baily asked.

"How did your date with Mitchell Farina go?"

"It went pretty well, actually! But right now she is mad with me!"

Abraham commented.

"Mad with you... she is mad with you for what?"

Ms. Baily asked with concern in her voice.

"I'm not sure of I should tell you this because it's a bit sensitive, and even more sensitive to her!"

Abraham try explaining.

"Well she is using this agency to meet people like you, seeking to find a partner, so if there is something disturbing her or you when you are out on a date, I need to know so I'll know who to better pair you or her with!"

Ms. Baily spoke firmly.

"When did you start comparing date and being a match-maker for each client?"

Abraham questioned curiously.

"New policy... only since you and Katharine had your catastrophe during your date!"

Ms. Baily answered sharply.

"How is Katharine doing?"

Abraham asked, changing the subject for a moment.

"She is coming around!"

Ms. Baily replied sharply.

But more interested in hearing he and Mitchell Farina dilemma Ms. Baily went on to ask.

"So what has been the matter between you and, Mitchell Farina?"

She asked inquisitively.

"Don't get me wrong, I really like her, but she took off her prosthetic leg inside my living room while I was outside in my barn, only to return inside my house and saw this big thing... this foot, leaning against one of my couches, startling me off to death!"

"I was so frightened I could think straight, and all that I was thinking seems to be showing all over my face causing her to believe that I was scorning or discriminating against her!"

Abraham try explaining.

"If she takes off her prosthetic leg without giving you any warning, what does she expect you to do... hands and gloves it and then sing kum-bah-yah with it!"

Ms. Baily lashed out cynically.

Hearing that Abraham's and Mitchell Farina's meeting didn't end very well, and since he has been seducing her each time they would speak Ms. Baily became excited, deciding that she would give him a chance. Because just like him, she was having feelings for him and had started thinking about having him in her life for the long haul. She now decided, she would somehow find a way to break company policy and start secretly seeing him on the side, and so she ask.

"When are you coming back by the office?"

"Why do you ask; do you want to see me?"

Abraham replied compellingly.

Whispering in the phone she replied.


Very excited to hear those words coming from her lips, Abraham responded.

"I could come over there, today!"

"What time?"

She asked quietly, not wanting her boss or any other worker in the office surroundings to hear her conversation.

"This afternoon, around one or two o'clock!"

Abraham replied excitingly.

"Try and reach here around one-thirty when I'm on my break!"

Ms. Baily replied.

"Okay, I'll try my best to be there then!"

Abraham responded.

"Okay, I'll see you then!"

Ms. Baily answered covertly before quietly placing the phone on its receiver.

Soon, Abraham began rushing to take care of his yard duties and as soon as he was done, he went under the shower and started getting himself ready to meet Ms. Baily at the dating agency.

Jumping into his truck, hastily reversing his truck onto the streets and began hurrying to reach the dating agency before Ms. Baily's lunch time, Abraham caution his driving, fearing being stopped by the police and getting a ticket from any of the traffic police.

Looking at his clock, he knew that there was no way he could reach there in time and hope that Ms. Baily wouldn't be mad with him for showing up past her lunch time. It was exactly two o'clock when he had gotten there and hastily slammed the door to his truck and ran up the stairs to see her.

She was sitting at her desk when he arrived and seeing him she smiled, raised her hand and pointed at her watch and indicated to him that he was late. Clasping his hands in front of him prayerfully he bowed his head to her as though she was a goddess and silently uttered.

"I'm sorry!"

The office was busy with suitors and escorts going in and out and she was afraid of being caught indulging in a personal conversation with him, so she wrote her cell phone number on a piece of paper and slid it under the glass window to him as she made mention.

"This is your date for next week, Mr. Churchill!"

"I hope it all works out for you and her!"

Standing there for a moment not comprehending well what she was saying to him, he then had the inclination to open up the piece of paper she had given to him and read what was written on it.

"This is my cell number, please give me a call later on tonight or tomorrow evening any time between the hours of seven and nine!"

Read the note.

After reading the note he looked up at her smiled, nodded his head and uttered.

"Thank you, Ms. Baily! I will let you know how it turns out!"

Now their eyes were locked together, soulfully connecting and they both were sharing smiles, indicating to that they understood each other's language.

And with that sense of intuitive or instinctiveness of understanding Abraham smilingly stated.

"Thank you, and I'll see you around Ms. Baily!"

"You are welcome, Mr. Churchill!"

Ms. Baily spoke sternly as she returned to her duties.

Returning to his truck from where he had parked it, Abraham go into to it and made his way back home filled with smiles on his face as though he was in a campaign for some dental advertisement. He was overfilled with joy that he had gotten her number and he now felt that things were falling into place the way he wanted it to, and especially since it was with one of the women he was profoundly attracted to.

Arriving home and out of tuck, Abraham entered inside his house and began dancing, shaking and grooving his body as if he had suddenly gotten news that he had won the lottery. He was indeed happy and by himself, he celebrated the moment with a large bowl of noodles mixed with vegetables and a tin of corn beef. And so he sat in front of the television eating, sipping at red wine chased with Pepsi while taking in the evening news.

Latter flipping through the television a movie caught his attention so he paused at the channel and began watching it. And right in the middle of the movie the telephone wrong!

It was no other person than Mitchell Farina who was calling and soon after greeting Abraham she began apologizing to him, telling him that she was sorry to have acted that way with him and not allowing him to express or explain to her what he was feeling about her prosthetic leg and how she was sorry for not telling him about it from the very beginning.

Hearing her apologies to him, Abraham's heart melted, and now he was reflecting on the fun moments they had had together. And now he went on to tell her that he wasn't prepare to see her prosthetic limb in his living room and how much it had really startled the heck out of him. And he only whished that she had given him some form of warning about it before taking it off and resting it against his living room furniture.

"Please, I ask that you forgive me!"

"Because after speaking to my friends about us and what had happen between us, they have me seeing another point of view and all agreed that I should have told you from before heading out on a date with you. Or while we were at the park! But I only wanted you to see me, how fun I can be, that I'm actually a real person, and not the missing limb! Because I honestly know persons do have their prejudices about people like me persons with any form of disability! So I sincerely ask for your forgiveness and that you will give us another chance!"

Mitchell said remorsefully.

Abraham really liked her, missing limb and all, but presently, he was thinking of starting something fresh with Shirley Baily, the receptionist at the agency who had caught his eyes and was joyfully warming his heart.

He didn't want to lie to her!

He wanted to tell her the truth but something in her voice, in her apologies had touch his heart once again and now he was totally confused, ripped between the presences of two beautiful women in his life.

Hearing the confusion and hesitancy in the mumbling of his voice, Mitchell spoke soulfully.

"Please, Abraham, I beg that you forgive me, and I will never do or say anything to hurt you ever again, because I know that you are a very good man!"

Being adamant about not wanting to lie to her or bluntly reject her, Abraham told her that right now he was going through something very important in his life, therefore, she needed to give him some more time, so he could think about them being together again!

But, Mitchell didn't want to wait any longer to hear that answer from him; she wanted him to give her a positive answer right then and now, so she compellingly responded to his comment.

"Abraham, whatever you are going through, you and I both can go through it together!"

"Mitchell, you are such as Babe, but what I'm going through right now, I have to do it by myself because what I'm dealing with will take up too much of your time, possibly keep you from you job or even take you out of the country. But as I said to you before, I certainly will let you know where you and I stand as soon as things has settle down in my life a bit."

Abraham spoke calmly and with much consideration.

Not wanting to force herself on him anymore than she already had, Mitchell responded.

"If that's the way you want it and if whatever you are facing is that intense and secretive, you don't want to involve me in it, then I will allow you to do whatever you need to do, but, I'll be waiting for that call from you!"

Mitchell spoke sadly.

"I'm very sorry Mitchell, I really am!"

Abraham replied regretfully.

Seconds later, the two former daters were sadly telling each other; good-bye.

Eagerly, checking his clock, Abraham realized that has passed for him to call Shirley Baily. It was way past ten o'clock in the night after he had gotten off the phone with Mitchell Farina. And he now was feeling quite disappointed that he hadn't gotten a chance to call her as she had asked him to. But before getting ready for bed, he quietly told himself, he would make sure that nothing will interrupt his evening, preventing him from calling Shirley anytime between the hours of seven and nine o'clock Tuesday night.

And on his bed resting Abraham reflected, considered himself to be quite lucky for not having anyone to love to now having two women in his life who had great likeness towards him.

Peaceful was the night and the first thought that came to Abraham's mind was that of Shirley Baily, and so he decided to give her a call, letting her know that he was unable to ring her last night, but without a shadow of a doubt, he would be doing so as soon the clock strike seven.

In which she stated to him.

"Please do that, but please, don't call my job again with this kind of conversation because you never know who might be listing!"

Hearing the worry and concerns in her voice, Abraham said good-bye to her, and put down the phone. Moments later, he was in the kitchen fixing himself with a very healthy and big breakfast, and just after slowly feeding his face around the tiny glass table, at last feeling happy; happy about having that special someone in his life, he took on the care of his animals in the bran.

Making sure, that just like him, they too were properly fed, given water needed to keep them throughout the day, before making his way back inside the house and heading under the shower to wash away the stench of the barn from his body.

For the rest of the very quiet day, he continuously watch the clock in great anticipation, anxiously waiting for the clock to strike seven so he could give Shirley Baily that long awaited call! And just as the clock had strike seven, he made his way over by the telephone, took a deep breath and dialed her number.

Soon she picked up the receiver and said.

"Hello, my darling!"

He certainly was expecting to hear that kind of response from her, and for a brief moment he had the phone in his hand and remaining silent that she could hear his heart pounding heavily over the phone line.

"Abraham! Abraham, are you still there?"

She called out to him.

Exhaling deeply he replied.

"I'm still here my love!"

"What was that silence about?"

Shirley ask curiously.

"That silence was your voice tugging at my heart-string!"

Abraham responded teasingly.

They were now both chuckling with laughter as Shirley went on to echo in his hearing.

"Well I'm very glad, I not only have your eyes, but also I'm able to tug at your heart!"

"Honey, you not only tug at my heart, but you also warm my heart, melt my heart and always touches my heart, and for me, that makes you my sweetheart!"

Abraham expressed lovingly.

"Sweetheart, I really like you very much and I deeply believe that you and I can have a wonderful future together! I would really like to take you somewhere romantic where the atmosphere is warm and peaceful and I can have you cuddling beside me! I really would like to start caking for you!"

"When can I start dating you?"

Abraham went on asking.

Just after stating his monotonous proposition.

Knowing, she was very smitten by him, wanted him just as much as he wanted her, Shirley mentioned to him that this weekend would be perfect for them to meet and hook up together - officially start their routine!

Feeling head over heels that her decision to start going out with him was verbally cemented, Abraham became very elated that he bang his fist against the wall and stamped his feet to floors as he laughing shouted in her ear.


As though he had just gotten a job promotion or won a trophy.

"You and I are going to take on the world... we are going to have a wonderful life together... watch and see... you are making me a very happy man right now!"

He joyfully spoke into her ear.

"Do you have a car?"

Abraham went on to ask.

"Yes, I do!"

Shirley Baily answered.

"Okay, come over and see my Saturday and we can leave out for dinner together in the evening! Please, get pen and a piece of paper and write my address down!"

Abraham instructed.

"Abraham, I don't have to write your address down because I have it on my computer at work!"

Shirley interjected.

"I'm sorry about that!"

"I completely had forgotten that you have those details about me at the agency and my pictures as well! I'm so excited about going out with you that I totally didn't remember that you had all those kinds of information about me!

Abraham spoke feeling a sense of silliness but still very enthused.

"Okay, I'll let you rest for your work in the morning, and I see you this weekend... actually, I give you a call tomorrow night, alright my love!"

Abraham stated lovingly.

"Okay my darling!"

Shirley replied before they both said goodnight and good-bye!

Very true to his word, Abraham Churchill called Shirley Baily every single night for the rest of that week just after the clock strike seven o'clock and spoke to her about his day and also, enquired from her about hers before placing his head on his pillows and going to sleep.

It was just after three o'clock, the sun began shading to the west when Shirley showed up at Abraham's humble abode with a large Pyrex-dish in her hands containing an apple pie soak in dark brown sugar. And also a large aluminum foil paper with half of cheese cake wrapped into it that she had purposely made, just for him.

Peeking through the window curtains he saw that it was her standing there after she had already rap on his front door around three or four times.

Quite excited to see her, he swung the door opened, stepped out on the porch and warmly embraced her, before inviting her to come on inside and make herself comfortable. And for hours they just sat there, chatting away after he had taken the contents from her hands and placed them on the kitchen counter and returned to the living room to be with her. And so, the rest of the afternoon was spent with the new love birds talking about almost everything, leaving no stones unturned about what they wanted and were expecting in a relationship and from each other.

Since it was getting late, closer to heading out for dinner, Shirley excused herself from their conversation and went to her car park in front of Abraham's house, retrieving the clothing she intended on wearing when leaving out for dinner with her date. It was a special moment for her and she wanted to look her best for him and wanted him to feel proud that she had made that effort for him. And when she was done getting dress she looked beautiful and noting like that receptionist seated behind that desk and that glass cage; causing Abraham to be completely taken aback and dumbfounded by her transformation.

"My Sweetheart, you certainly look beautiful like a princess!"

Abraham complimented her.

Extending the courtesy she responded.

"You too are looking smartly handsome, my darling!"

Leaning towards her, he kissed her gently on the cheeks and told her thanks for the compliments.

Soon they were through the door and making their way in her car to the very fine restaurant which he had reserved for them to dine for the evening. And for the evening they ate in style, slow dancing to music that were playing to encourage the mood of passion and excitement. So the two daters soon to be lovers, hopefully, carry on sharing a splendid evening of tenderness, romance and love!

After returning home Saturday night from their wonderful dinner date, their very first night out together, Abraham gave Shirley his bedroom and told her to sleep well and he would take the couch for the night!

Gazing at him with much disappointment she strongly asked.

"Are you crazy?"

"Come on, join me in the bedroom!"

She continued on!

"No Honey, go to bed and sleep!"

Abraham responded.

Shirley began staring at him with strangeness in her eyes and a questioning look on her face. Because she was expecting him to give it to her all for the rest of the night! She had walked with her creams and love tools and ready to display to him the she could screw him real good and satisfy him more than any woman he had ever been with, but now she was feeling like a totally idiot after he refrain from joining her in the bedroom!

Minutes later, she began dropping her dress in front of him, making her way towards him and began sucking on his lips and kissing him passionately, trying to get him aroused and excited! But instead, Abraham gently eased her away from him, told her to get under the shower and then go to bed!

"He must be really tired!"

She told herself before obeying his instructions.

But little did she know that he was still a virgin and only wanted to lose his virginity after tying the knot with that special someone who he intended on spending the rest of his life with.

However, he didn't sleep and ounce for the rest of the night because his heart and manhood burn with excitement as he yearned for her while resting on the couch! And although he was tempted to carry out that act of losing his virginity, he placed both hands between his legs and bear the consequences of a hard and stiff cock as he rocked himself back and forth on the massive piece of furniture.

Bright and early Sunday morning, Abraham was up, went out to feed his animals, returned to the house and then went for a shower before starting making breakfast for his house guest and himself.

And for most of the early morning after breakfast and cleaning down his kitchen Abraham and Shirley spent the rest of the day watching movies and flipping through the television channels for the best stories that were of interest to them.

While Shirley made every attempt and effort to get Abraham to give it to her - lay her out of the bed, on the couch, and even the floors and make love to her; but was resisted for every effort she had made and given an explanation of why he wasn't ready to give himself in that way to her as yet. Eventually causing her to feel rejected and quite foolish!

It was getting late and now she was ready to make her way back home and before she could put her shoes on, give a kiss and make her way through the front door like she was expecting to, there came a banging on Abraham's front door.

The only person he thought would just show up at his doorsteps unannounced was Sheriff Warren Richards and so he reluctantly open his front door to let him and have him meet the woman he was planning on loving for the rest of his life and sharing his life with.

But opening door carelessly without even paying attention of who was really standing there, he was totally shock to hear the female voice asking.

"Why do you have me waiting by the phone when you know, you have no intention of calling me?"

Turning around and seeing Mitchell Farina standing there in his doorway, almost gave him a heart attack!

Now he was looking back and forth in complete confusion and had no clue of what to thing or say to her!

Overhearing the female voice at the doorway, Shirley rushed to the front door to see was there.

Realizing, it was one of the escort from the dating agency standing at Abraham's front door who he had confessed to her that their date hadn't work out well and that she wanted to hop into his life with her one leg without first telling him, Shirley became furious and began lashing out on Abraham.

"This is why you refused from making love to me last night?"

Shirley asked without any reservations.

"I thought you told me that you were completely done with her!"

Shirley snapped as she threw the Pyrex dish cover at him!

"He told you that?"

Mitchell asked vexingly!

"When he told me that he was just straightening out some issues before he would get back to me and we could move on with our lives together!"

"Do I look like a toy you can play with as you please?"

Mitchell persistently went on to speak angrily!

Standing between two beautiful women Abraham was perplexed, totally despondent and speechless. He was totally lost for words of what he should say to either women and after exiting the house and leaving the both women in his own house arguing and bashing what a deceptive man he is, and how he was playing games with their emotions, Abraham returned to the inside of the house and seriously said to Shirley Baily.

"I thought you were just on your way through the door?"

He wanted her to leave and get out of this brawling squabbling with Mitchell so he could speak with her in private about not wanting to see her again because he had made up his mind about settling down and starting a life with Shirley.

But instead of taking the hint or cue, grabbing her bags and making her way out through the front door, Shirley returned to the kitchen for the bottom of the Pyrex-dish, took it and then slapped Abraham across the head with it, bursting the side of his head, causing much blood to start spilling onto the floors.

Seeing the blood profusely spilling from his head onto the floors, Mitchell began screaming franticly and blurting out...

"Are you damn crazy?"

"Are you going to killing, you stupid bitch!"

"Don't you know, you will go to jail for this?"

While Shirley stood there breathing heavily, holding the dish ware in her hand and giving Mitchell a look that told her if she came any closer she would be next! And without any pity showing on her face, she swiftly step over Abraham's body and return to the bedroom to gather her belongings and then return to the living room area with them; blurting out profanities.

Racing back to her car, Mitchell call for the emergency services to came and assist Abraham with his gaping wound. And patiently she waited in her car for them to get there faring returning to the house, only to be beaten down by Shirley Baily for assisting him. And just before the ambulance came to care for Abraham's wound, Shirley jumped into her car, hastily made her way from off the scene of the jealously rage and the crime.

Once the ambulance was steadily parked, Mitchell hurried out of her car and began pointing her finger directing the medical team to the house while shouting.

"He is inside there! This way, please!"

While the paramedics hastily followed behind her as she made her way up the stairs where Abraham lie bleeding on the floors.

Quickly, one from the medical team gave him a penicillin shout and then began cleaning the wound, shaving away the hair covering the spot that was wounded and then began stitching up the area. While Mitchell calmly sat there pretending to be Mrs. Churchill, holding Abraham's hand, rubbing his back and gently comforting him with words; stating to him.

"Baby you are going to be alright, okay! I'll be here, to help you get through this!

Meanwhile, he just sat there, patiently allowing the medical team to do their work of dressing his wound. And when they were done caring for the wound, he was given pain pills and told to get into bed and have some rest. However, he was also instructed that the police needed to be called so he could give them a statement of what had really happened to him in his own house. And upon hearing such utterances from the paramedics, Mitchell immediately yelled out for all to hear.

"I saw everything... I'll be your witness. Babes!"

But instead of commending her or appreciating her for wanting to see him get some justice for what had happened to him, Abraham angrily shouted at her.

"Shut the hell up!"

"You are witness for not one damn thing around here!"

"If you hadn't shown up here unexpectedly, none of this would have happened!"

Abraham went on to vent angrily!

"If I hadn't shown up around her, you probably wouldn't know she was a violent and murderous bitch!"

Mitchel recapped angrily.

"Like she had done few moments ago, she would have stepped over your damn body, leaving your ass dying on the floor in any other circumstances or confrontation you were in with her!"

She continued to vent with much hostility in her voice.

Extremely annoy by the hostility in her voice and the language she was using to address him, Abraham turned to Mitchell and angrily stated to her.

"Please, get out of my house and don't come back here!"

Angrily grabbing her phone from where it was resting on the chair, she upsettingly made her way to the doorway, stopped, then turned and blurted out at him.

"Seriously, I should have left your ass to lie on the floor and bleed to death; you ungrateful son of a bitch!"

With those very mean and grotesque words, Mitchell hastily made her way off Abraham's front steps and into her ford explorer and drove way bitterly crying!

Bitterly weeping over the man who had broken her heart, had her waiting by the phone for him to call and has now found love in the arms of another woman!